Episode/Chapter 9: The Truth Approaches

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                                Episode 9: The Truth Approaches


Cleo and Bella get into Cleo's room. Cleo takes her pink converse off and put them under her bed. Bella sits down in Cleo's computer chair. "So did you talk to Emma about what happened the day before yesterday?" Cleo takes her pony tail out and says. "I haven't had the time lately. I have been working long hours at the Marine Park and I've been trying to Skype Lewis, but I haven't even had the time for that. This new position is kicking my butt." Bella asks. "Why do you need to Skype Lewis?" Cleo looks at Bella with a few tears starting to form. "Because he left yesterday to go back to the states right after I got off work. Then afterwards I went with him to the airport, then I went straight home and fell asleep. That's why I haven't responded to anyones messages untill a few hours ago."  Cleo tells Bella that her mum wants to get back with her dad, but her dad is happily married.

Michael, Emma, Ash, Rikki, Zane, Cleo, Bella, and Will are at the beach having a breakfast picnic and laughing until they cry when Michael asks what they plan on doing after breakfast. Rikki is the first to answer. "Well Zane and I have to go to his house and tell his dad that Zane and I are looking for our own place while Wilfred runs the cafe." Everyone looks shocked that Rikki and Zane are going to get a place together. Cleo is upset but says happily anyway. "That's so cool Rikki." And she flashes them a fake friendly smile. Then Michael looks at everyone else and asks what they are doing. Emma and Ash say they are going to the cafe to get some smoothies before they head back to the beach to play soccer. Cleo tells him that she has to go back home and get ready for work and Bella and Will tells him they have a lunch date planned. Michael looks dissapointed and tells them why he asked what they are doing. "I was asking because I was thinking all of us could go downtown and watch a few movies." They all look at Michael and tell him they are sorry. Michael shakes his head and says. "That's fine. Maybe some other time. See you all later." They all tell him goodbye. After he leaves they all sigh in relief. Then Cleo looks like she is confused. Emma asks what's wrong. Cleo answers. "I think he was actually trying to be nice and make an effort to hang out with us. I don't think he wants to expose us anymore."  Bella looks at Cleo and nods in agreement. "I don't think he is trying to hurt us anymore." Everyone ignores them because they don't believe that he is trying to be nice. Then everyone leaves the beach. 

Charlotte is at the cafe with Julie and Lacie. Ash and Emma walk in and Charlotte introduces everyone to each other. Then Julie invites Ash and Emma to hang out at the beach. Emma and Ash tell her after they finish their drinks. 

Ash, Emma, and Julie are on the beach hanging out when Julie asks Ash. "So what is your last name again?" Ash and Emma looks at Julie confused. "Ummm....Dove." He looks out into the sea and continues. "Why?" Julie answers his question. "Because mine is also Dove and my mom said something about me being related to someone named Ash." Ash looks back at Julie in shock says. "Really?" Julie says. "Yeah. What is your moms name?" Ash Answers. "My foster mom is Lina and my birthmother, who gave me up, is named Shelly and my birthfather is Mark Dove." Julie looks really shocked and confused. "Oh my god!" Emma looks at her and says. "What?" Julie answers. "My parents names are also Mark and Shelly." Ash says. "WHAT!?" Julie says. "Yeah they are. What are your grandparents names?" Ash answers. "Matthew and Lori Dove. And my grandpa Matthew had a sister named Julia Dove, but she passed away over 10 years ago." Julie looks at Ash with a few tears down her cheeks. Emma looks at Ash, who is looking at Julie curious and confused. Emma tells Ash. "Julia Dove, your aunt and grandpa's sister is one of Miss Chatham's friends who was also a mermaid." Before Ash responds to Emma, Julie chimes in. "And she is also my aunt and my grandpa is also Matthew Dove." Ash looks at Julie and completes the mystery. "And we are siblings." Ash says confused and feeling let down by his parents. 

Emma is swimming in the ocean and finds Cleos diary in the bottom. She goes and tells Cleo about it. Then Emma takes Cleo to go see it and they invite Rikki, Bella, and well Charlotte. Then Michael invites himself because he has a crush on Emma and because he wants to be part of the group. After they are finished showing Cleo her diary, Michael and Rikki go to the Moon Pool while Will, Bella, Cleo, Charlotte, Emma, Ash, and Zane are getting food out of Will's boat. Michael asks Rikki if he can aks her something. She tells him it's okay. Then Michael says. "Do you guys like me? Because I have been trying to make an effort to be part of the group, but you guys seem like you don't want me include in it." Rikki rolls her eyes. "Cleo and Bella think you are trying to make an effort to gain our trust and It's obvious that Emma likes you." Rikki pauses and gives him a snarky laugh. Then she continues. "More than she should like you." Michael smiles and Rikki looks up at him and asks why is he smiling. Michael answers. "Because it's a coincidence that she likes me, because I like her too." Before Rikki can say anything, Michael quickly finishes. "And that's not the only reason I want to be part of your group. I enjoy hanging out with you guys. And I really need friends right now considering I have been cast out of my POD." Rikki first rolls her eyes and her face is full of fury, then her expression quickly changes to looking very concerned. When Rikki begins to say something, she is cut off by everyone walking into the Moon Pool with the food. After they finish the food, they all leave and go there own ways. 

When Emma gets to her house, all she can think about is how funny and nice Michael is. She even wonders how it would feel if she kissed him. She shakes the thoughts out of her head and says to herself. "I'm with Ash, not Michael. So I need to stop thinking about him." She goes toward her bed and drops herself on the bed. She tells herself in shock. "I think I have a crush on Michael." She pauses and stares up at her ceiling. "I can't tell Ash. Nobody can know." 


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