Episode/Chapter 4 New Beginnings

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                                        Episode 4 New Beginnings

Rikki is working at the cafe and makes a smoothie for Bella and Bella asks Rikki a question. "Will, Cleo, Lewis and I are going back to Mako to clean the mess up after we leave here. Do you want to join?" Rikki finishes making the smoothie for Bella and gives it to her. "Yeah sure. That place does need cleaning up." Rikki gets a straw and hands it to Bella. "I get off in a few minutes. Can you wait?" Bella reaponds. "Yeah."  Bella walks over to a table and sits down. After a few seconds, Will walks in and orders a smoothie then sits next to Bella. "So is Rikki coming with us?" Bella answers his question. "Yeah. When she gets off in a few minutes." Bella takes a sip of her smoothie. "Oh, and I talked to Cleo a few minutes ago and her and Lewis are meeting us at Mako." Will takes a sip of his smoothie. "Okay." Then Zane walks over to Bella and Will and asks where they are going and they tell him. Then he invites himself and quickly goes back into his office. Then Rikki gets off work and walks over toward Will and Bella. "Why was Zane over here and left in under 2 minutes?" Bella looks at Rikki. "He kind of invited himself to help us at Mako?" Rikki rolls her eyes. "Why does he insist to go everywhere I go?" Bella answers. "I don't think he knows you are going. I think he just wants to help." Will and Rikki both look at Bella. Will says. "It's Zane, I think he probably found out somehow." Rikki says. "Exactly. I think before he found out I was going, he didn't care. But once he heard my name, he probably reconsidered." Bella says. "True." Then Ryan walks over to the girls and Rikki rolls her eyes. "What do you want?" Ryan answers. "Zane said you guys were going to Mako Island and I was wondering if I could go?" He pauses. "And help you clean the mess." Bella looks at Ryan concerned. But before Bella could say anything. Rikkie beats her to it. "And how can we trust you? You could have been the one that tried to mine Mako again. Or you could have been the one who took our pictures as.." Rikki pauses and whispers. "mermaids!" Will says. "Yeah exactly. How can the girls trust you. You helped Sophie mine Mako the first time and who knows what else you are capable of." Ryan finally says something. "It wasn't me who mined Mako again and I had nothing to do with it because I didn't even know about it. And I surely did not take the picture of you girls." Ryan takes out his phone and shows them a text from Sophie saying she was going to mine Mako again. Then shortly after, Will's phone goes off. He gets his phone out of his pocket and silently reads the text and shows it to Rikki and Bella. They both read aloud. "Your girlfirend and her friends are hiding something from you." Then he gets a picture of the girls all as mermaids. They all gasp and look at Ryan who is standing alone looking curious and confused. Rikki says. "Well I guess you are coming with us to Mako." He looks confused and says. "So you trust me now? How?" Will walks to Ryan and shows him his phone. "This is what I just got from Sophie." Ryan looks and says. "I told you I had nothing to do with it. And thank you for letting me go with you guys." They all nod their heads. And Rikki says. "You can go only if you agree to never harm Mako again and if you promise to never expose us." Ryan nods his head in agreement. Then Rikki continues. "And if you do any of those things, we will tell Sam that you have been doing a lot of things she said you can't do while you are working; like exploring Mako." Bella looks at Ryan. "We have a deal?" Ryan looks at Bella, Rikki, and Will. "Yeah we do. I promise to never do anything that could harm Mako or expose you girls." Will says. "Okay. Since we have that settled, lets go to Mako." Zane walks out of his office and says. "Not without me." Then Ryan looks confused again. And Rikki says. "Zane knows about us; just like you,Will, and Lewis." Then they all walk out of the Cafe and head off to Mako Island.

When they enter the Moon Pool by the tunnel, they find Sophie trying to get more crystals. And Rikki says sternly. "What do you think you're doing?!" Sophie quickly turns around and starts to say something, but is shocked seeing Rikki and Bella there. Will tells her to leave now. But Sophie ignores his demand and says. "What are THOSE freaks doing here?!" As she points at Rikki and Bella. Then Cleo and Lewis enter the same way the others entered. And Cleo yells. "We...are not....FREAKS!" Lewis rubs Cleo's back to calm her down. Then Rikki gets closer to Sophie and ennunciates. "Us M-E-R-M-A-I-D-S, are here to clean up YOUR mess! You have no right of being here Sophie." Will extends his left arm and gently pushes Rikki back and he gets closer to Sophie and says. "LEAVE NOW! And don't think about going back to my place because your are not welcome there anymore." Zane steps next to Will and looks straight at Sophie. "And I never want to see your face at the Cafe again. Your fired. And I strictly mean it this time. No exceptions and no excuses. You deceived us and broke your promise and WE will NEVER forgive you. I suggest you leave now." Sophie then looks at Will, smiles and says. "Fine. I won't need you once I become rich." Cleo walks back to the tunnel enterance and sits down and starts to draw, while Lewis walks right up to Sophie and says. "And we don't want to see you on this island again and you must not expose the girls. You will harm them if you do. And you don't want to harm them because you will have all of us to deal with. Leave now Sophie." Sophie rolls her eyes and leaves. Then they all look over to Cleo and walk to her and realize she's drawing 3 mermaids and she has an "x" over all of them. She explains it's cause they are going to be captured soon and either get killed or be experimented on and will never be normal again. Bella tries to cheer her up and says "They day we all grew tails, I think ended our chances at being normal." Cleo doesn't laugh and gets up real quick and jumps into the water and vanishes. Not even a minute later, the rest of the mermaids jump in after her. Zane yells "That's okay, we'll catch up later!" And rolls his eyes. Zane then looks at Ryan, Will, and Lewis and says. "Well. While the girls are looking for Cleo. I guess we can work on cleaning up this place." He looks around rolls his eyes and mumbles.  "I can't believe Sophie broke here promise and destroyed this place. Again." Lewis looks at Zane. "Really? You think it's surprising that Sophie has done somehting deceiving. AGAIN." Lewis then looks at Will and apologizes for saying that about his sister. Will says. "It's okay. Like I have said before, I try to make excuses why she does certain things, but I'm done doing that. In fact I'm done with her." Ryan looks at Will shocked and asks. "You are DONE with her?" Will shakes his head. Then Ryan says. "But she's family. You shouldn't punish her for her being her." Will says. "Yeah I know, but we can't take a chance of her exposing the girls." They all nod their head in agreement with Will. Then Lewis says. "I hope Cleo is okay." He pauses and then he says. "I'm going to go to her house. I'm sorry guys. But I think she needs me." Zane interupts. "I think right now she needs the girls because they understand what she's going through." Lewis then shrugs his shoulders and says. "Yeah. You are probably right."  Then they all start to clean up. 

When Rikki and Bella get to Cleo's house, no one answers, so Rikki just walks in and goes upstairs and Bella and Rikki find Cleo in the bath crying. Rikki asks why she is so upset about Sophie being Sophie, and Cleo responds."It's not just that. Lewis goes back to the states today and I don't want to lose him. I also don't want to lose this incredible gift." She says as she points at her tail. Bella then tells her, "We will still be mermaids Cleo. We just have to be even more careful now." Then Rikki says. "Yeah Bella is right. We can do this Cleo. We have special powers that we aren't afraid to use." Rikki pauses and takes a breath and continues. "And Emma is going to be back soon and she can back us up and we have all the guys to help us too. All of us are going to be okay Cleo. Now let's go back to the Moon Pool and help the guys clean up." Rikki's phone goes off and she looks down at it and smiles and texts back. Bella curiously asks her. "What was that about?" Rikki answers quickly.  "Oh. Nothing." Bella and Cleo look confused and Rikki says. "I think you are going to need our help getting out off there Cleo." The girls help Cleo get out of the bath when Bella says. "You weigh a ton Cleo. Goodness." Rikki  and Cleo laugh. And Rikki and Bella lay Cleo down. And Rikki says. "And you don't?" Bella laughs and says. "Maybe I do." Then Rikki finally uses her powers to dry Cleo off. 

Zane, Will, and Lewis finish cleaning the Moon Pool and the girls come back through the tunnel entrance. Lewis runs straight to Cleo and hugs her and tells her. "I'm so glad you are okay Cleo. I was so worried about you. We all were. I'm glad  you're okay. I love you Cleo." Cleo looks up at Lewis and says. "I love you too Lewis." Then Rikki and Zane tell the group they are back together. While everyone is still stunned, Lewis informs the group that he has a date with Cleo before he goes back to the states. Cleo is shocked and says. "Oh Lewis. Where?" Lewis grabs her left hand with his right hand and motions with his other hand. "Here on Mako." Cleo flashes a big smile. "Lewis! That's so romantic. When is it?" Lewis responds. "Uhhh now." Everyone nods and Rikki says. "Well we all shall leave now." Rikki walks to Cleo and hugs her. "Have fun guys." Rikki and everyone else leaves. Then Cleo and Lewis go out to his boat to get the stuff for their date.

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