Episode/Chapter 7: The Kings Great Great Grandson

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Don is in the living room watching a movie when Cleo walks in and sits next to her dad. "So what are you watching dad?" Don smiles and looks at her curiously because she usually isn't interested in what he is watching. "It's a documentary of unknown see creatures." Cleo gives her dad a questionable look. "Why are you watching it?" Cleo's dad answers her question. "I am watching it because it's been heard that the creature that you friend Zane was looking for a while ago is back." Cleo looks at her dad in shock and worry because. "I thought you said it was just a great white shark dad?" Her dad looks at her and shakes his head. "I forgot to tell you Cleo, that it wasn't and this time it's still not. It's something that has a very strong tail and has been eating most the fish near Mako very quickly. Quicker than any creature that we know of." Cleo then looks at her dad confused because the strong tail is a mermaid, but mer-creatures usually don't eat fish. "That's unusual."  Her dad nods in agreement with her. Then he asks. "So what makes you in a good mood?" Cleo smiles and answers. "Lewis doesn't have to go back to the states until the end of the summer. Don smiles and says. "That's good Cleo." Then Cleo tells her dad that she is going over to Emma's house to hang out for a couple of hours, then she'll be back in time to help Sam with dinner. Her dad tells her it's okay that she goes to Emma's. Then Cleo walks upstairs to her room and immediately calls Emma and tells her that she is leaving soon to go to her place. 

When Cleo gets there, Rikki and Bella are already there sitting on Emma's bed. So Cleo sits next to Emma on the left side of the bed. "I have got some news. And it's not really good." Emma looks at Cleo and says. "I do to. And it's surely not a good thing." Bella looks at the girls. "Okay. Emma first because she has been stressing ever since Rikki and I got here." Emma thanks Bella with a nod and begins to tell the girls what she discovered. "Yesterday when all of you gusy were at the Cafe, I was swimming around Mako taking in everything I missed for a while. Then I decided I would go to the Moon Pool to see if anything has changed, and welll....." Emma pauses and takes a deep breath. Then continues the bad news. "I came in contact with a merman and he said he wants to bring his pod to Mako and rule it." All three girls look not at all shocked, but very very worried and afraid. Emma looks at the girls in confusion and asks. "Why aren't guys surprised?" Bella speaks up. "Because yesterday morning while you were swimming, our tails turned purple while we were taking a bath. And Miss Chatham said it's because we were going to come in contact with the merman soon. But I guess your the one who came in contact with him instead." Emma is now the one who looks shocked and worried. "Oh wow! I didn't know that. How is it that I didn't find that out?" Emma says in a semi shocked and angry tone. Rikki rolls her eyes. "Because you were swimming all day and we tried to call you, but we got no answer." Emma looks relieved because she thought they left her out, but the didn't. "Okay. Sorry for being upset about not knowing. I forgot I swam all day yesterday." Cleo, Rikki, and Bella all say, "It's okay." right after the other. Then Cleo says worried. "So what are we going to do about...." Cleo looks at Emma. Then Emma says. "About Michael, his name is Michael." Then Emma opens here eyes really widely in shock. Rikki says curiously. "Are you okay Emma?" Emma shakes her head and tells the girls what she just remembered. She told them that the merman's last name was Poseidon. All the girls look shocked because they all realize that Michael is related to the most powerful merman in the world, King Poseidon. Then Cleo tells the girls that her dad has been watching videos of unknown sea creatures because the news said that there has been reporting's of a creature with a big, golden and black tail. The girls talk about the merman and other things for a while longer. 

Meanwhile, Kim is hanging out with Elliot at Elliot's house. Kim on the sofa asks Elliot, who is in the kitchen making them microwave meals. "What movie are we going to watch Elliot?" Kim says as she is watching a channel on TV. Elliot puts the microwave meals in the microwave and walks into the living room and sits next to her. "I don't know. You pick." Elliot says and smiles at her. Then he moves closer to her nervously and puts his hand on her hand. Then Kim positions her body toward Elliot and says. "I like you Elliot. You aren't annoying anymore. And that vacation made you cuter." Elliot looks a bit offended, but laughs anyway and admits that he likes her too. Then Elliot moves closer to Kim very slowly and starts to plant a big kiss on Kim's lips, but they are suddenly interrupted by Emma, Rikki, Bella, and Cleo who are starting to walk out the door. All the girls stop and Emma yells. "Elliot!" Kim and Elliot separate. Them Emma continues. "What do you think you are doing?" Elliot looks at Emma and says. "So....sorry Emma. I didn't know you were here." Emma shake sher head and rolls her eyes. "Yes we have been here for a while. How long have you two been here?" Kim says. "We just got here." The microwave beeps warning them that the food is done. Then Cleo rolls her eyes. "No you didn't. You have been here long enough to make food Kim. Stop lying." Kim rolls her eyes back at Cleo and starts to kiss Elliot. But of coarse Cleo doesn't let that happen. "Kim stop!" Kim looks at Cleo and says very meanly. "I hate you Cleo!" Kim gets up and walks past Cleo. Then she stops and turns around and yells at Cleo. "You ruined my chances of getting my first kiss. I'm going home Cleo." Kim looks at Elliot and gives him a flirty smile. "Bye Elliot. Talk to you later." Elliot smiles and replies. "Bye Kim." Kim rolls her eyes at Cleo again and walks out the door. Emma walks over to Elliot to talk to him, while Cleo gets out her phone and dials a number. "Hey dad. Kim is on her way home from Elliot's and they were alone. So good luck with her. Bye." Cleo looks at Bella and Rikki and says. "Since we have that taken care of; are you guys ready to go to Miss Chatham's?" Emma walks up to the girls and says. "Yes I am. I think I put Elliot straight. Let's go." All four girls walk out the door. Emma shuts the door behind her and says. "I'm glad Miss Chatham finally got herself a house." The girls shake their heads and continue to walk to Miss Chatham's. 

When the girls get to her house; Miss Chatham is taking out the trash. Rikki says jokingly toward Miss Chatham. "Is that all we see you do?" Miss Chatham laughs and says. "I have a dog now and he makes a lot messes." All the girls laugh. Then Miss Chatham invite them inside. After an hour of talking, Miss Chatham and the girls decide to do research on Michael Poseidon. They find out that he is the great great grandson of who they thought; King Poseidon. They also figure out that Michael is the new King of his pod and he needs to take over Mako because that'll ensure that his powers will grow even stronger and he and his pod will be able to make all the mermaids vanish. 

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