Chapter Three

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        Kat was wrong. I wasn't just crushed when Ponyboy stepped out with a red headed girl, I was dead inside. It was like everything I had hoped for was gone, out the window. I couldn't believe that things went like they did, and yes, it did make me furious. 

        Now, honestly, Darry didn't deserve the way I yelled at him, but I couldn't help it. I was so mad that things hadn't gone the way I wanted them to. Once we got in the car, I could see Darry running after our car. He ran to the driver window and opened the door. "Guys? What's wrong?" Darry was so confused, I almost felt bad for him. "Just come inside and explain," he said. "I'm sure everyone is excited to see you." Okay, had he not seen what had just happened?! Apparently Soda and Ponyboy hate our guts even though we didn't do anything, and they're dating different girls now. Kat nodded though and got out of the car. I followed behind, very skeptical. 

        Once we opened the door, we saw Soda making out with Sandy and Pony making out with that red headed girl. All of a sudden I had a flashback. I had seen that girl before. Then it hit me out of nowhere. That was the girl Dallas was kissing when I was going to tell him I loved him. I started to sob at the rememberence of Dally and that heartbreaking day, but then I pulled it together. When we walked in, the boys stopped kissing and asked their girls to leave, which they did while staring us down dirtily. 

        The house hadn't changed since we left. Everything was still there, in perfect place. Kat and I sat down on the old couch we had always known. It was the same couch we had sat on when we returned our first time. Sodapop started to argue with the fact that we were there when Darry shut him up. "Now girls," he boomed. "What's the problem?" I suddenly blurted out the whole situation that had just happened. Darry looked confused. "Soda? Pony? Is that true?" Soda began to speak. "Listen, Kat," he started. "You broke my heart when you left. I know it wasn't your fault but you never wrote back to us or anything. I mean, what was I supposed to do? Never move on? I don't think so. And things have changed for Pony and Mack too. Pony is different now, well we all are. We're older and we've experience more things. Dally and Johnny's death kind of changed us, and I think that change was good." Kat sobbed and I turned to Pony. "So this is what you are now?!" I yelled. "You used to be so sweet and nice to everyone no matter how they've hurt you. You used to believe in forgiveness!" Pony just stared into my eyes and uttered, "I have changed." I stormed out the door while Darry tried to catch me. Kat followed behind him and we jumped in the car, I in the driver's seat this time. I was REALLY ready to leave this time. Kat started to protest us leaving when I interuppted her. "It's best we go," I argued. "Besides, now that we're rich, we don't want to be friends with nasty greasers anyways."

The Outsider War: Kat and Mack's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now