Chapter Twenty

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        I sat inside the car, tied up in rope, struggling to be set free. I could see out the tinted windows, but none of the gang could see me inside. The two Socs that were with me earlier had already gotten out of the car, so I now only saw Randy talking evilly lined face to face with my friends. I tried to search for something to cut the rope. It seemed like there was nothing in the car, until I spotted Randy's switchblade sitting in the driver's seat. It must have fallen out of his pocket, and lucky for me, it was just sharp enough to cut the rope on my hands and feet. I shuffled to reach for it and finally got it in between my fingers. I sat back in my seat and tried to manuver the knife in my fingers. I started to move the knife back and forth. I yelped and looked down at my hand, realizing I had just cut myself. I tried to stay quiet as possible, though the pain was almost unbearable. I looked down at my bleeding hand and wrist and a tear rolled down my cheek. All the while, I kept cutting the rope until it finally came undone. At that point, I cut the rope off of my feet as well and then looked out the window. The boys and Mack were still lined up face to face with Randy's crew of Socs, and I could tell that this was going to be a bad fight. Not just a bad fight, but a war. 

        Sodapop took the first punch, taking Randy for himself. I couldn't help but think how adorable he was, even when he was fighting. I then saw Two-Bit taking the bigger Soc and Ponyboy taking the smaller one. Mack was being pushed to the ground, and every time she tried to get up, she was forced back down. I almost cried out for her, wishing I could help her, then I realized maybe I could. I tried to unlock the doors and crawl out, but I then realized that the doors were on childlock, meaning that only someone outside the car could get me out. The two Socs that were with me must have put it that way when they got out. So, here I was having to watch my friends and family fight for me, and stuck in a car. Just then, as I looked back out the window, a red Stingray pulled up. None other than Cherry, Marcia, and 3 Soc boys got out of the car. I focused my eyes on Cherry as she walked up to Mack, who was trying to get off the ground again. Cherry pulled her up and smiled evilly. I couldn't hear the conversation at the moment, but I later heard from Mack what was said. "Hey Mackenzie!" she said in a sarcastic tone. She then pushed Mack back to the ground. I gasped in horror and wanted to punch Cherry in the face. "Or is it Mack when you're with these nasty greasers?!" Cherry finished. Mack just scowled at Cherry, and then I realized that an idea had popped in her head. I know that by the look on her face, she knew of something clever to say. "It's Mack. Always has been," she said and grabbed Cherry's arm. "Always will be." Mack pulled Cherry to the ground, and they started wrestling and clawing at each other. I smiled because I knew that Mack would win this battle. Marcia got scared and ran off somewhere. I didn't really focus on her because I knew she wouldn't be back. It was now 9 Socs to 5 greasers. The fighting lasted for minutes in a bloody battle, and soon enough, I saw Darry's work truck driving in. Steve and Darry hopped out, joining the fight. Darry ran towards a big guy that was fighting Sodapop and pulled him towards him. Darry started punching the guy while Soda took on another. Again, I didn't hear the conversation at the time, but later I found out what was said. "Soda why the hell did you not tell me where you were?" Darry yelled while kicking a Soc on the ground. Soda was still fighting but was speaking between breaths. "I didn't know it would come to this man! I'm sorry, but we had to do what we had to do!" "You could have atleast told me you were going to their apartment!" Darry yelled back. Sodapop sighed and said, "You would have just held me back." Soda walked away and moved to another Soc. Even though there were very few of each group, the fighting still lasted for several long moments, until something sudden happened. "Enough!" Pony yelled. "I've had enough! Everyone stop!" Just as he commanded everyone dropped their fists, even Cherry and Mack, and listened to Pony. What was going on? 

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