Chapter Sixteen

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I was walking the streets alone while looking at the lit up sky. The stars were so beautiful that night, and nothing could have compared to their beauty. I kept walking alone, trying to get back home and leave Mack with the boys to work things out. I was walking past some trees and bushes when I heard a rustling in the bushes. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard it and I began to walk faster. I looked behind me only to find that the noise I had heard was from a small squirrel. I laughed at the the fact that I had been so afraid and alarmed by a little woodland creature. I kept walking until I saw the Dingo. It was still lit up and filled with greasers. I looked inside and began to think that maybe before I got home I could grab a shake. I turned towards it and walked into the doors. When I walked in, I sat at the bar, and asked for a shake. The bartender smiled at me, and I realized he was very handsome. He had bright blue eyes and long, greased back hair. His smile was wide and his teeth were surprisingly very white, compared to most greasers in town. Just as he brought back my shake a few moments later, the room filled with silence. I turned to see the cause of all the hush and realized that there was Randy and two Socs walking in. People must have thought, "What are they doing here?" I mean, they are Socs. But then again, wasn't I supposed to be a Soc? Wasn't this somewhere that I wasn't supposed to be seen. Randy looked angry as he walked up to the bar. He sat right beside me, not even saying a word. "Hey Randy," I said trying to keep casual conversation. He gave me no response. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. He still did not answer me. He simply looked at the bartender and said, "One large fry and a shake." It was only when the bartender brought out his order did he talk to me. He grabbed my wrist and I almost jumped out of my seat. He leaned up very closely to where no one could really see and whispered in my ear, "You're coming with me." I then saw a holster on Randy's side, and I almost began to sob. The only reason I tried not to cry was for the fear of being shot if I did. I pretended to be happy with Randy and drink my shake like a normal person. When it was all done, he got up and expected me to follow. We walked outside and he forced me to get in his car. I began to get really scared. I had no idea what he was going to do to me, and where we were going. "Randy," I began. "Why are you doing this?" I started to cry now that we were not in public. There was a Soc beside me in the back and one in the front beside Randy, but that was all who could see me. Randy simply started to back up and said, "You shouldn't have lied to me Kat. People who hurt me and lie to me have to pay, especially when it involves a greaser." I started to cry loudly at that point, trying to get out of the car. The Soc beside me was big, and he was holding me back. "Don't even try to escape," Randy said. "You won't get out." I had no hope of getting out of that car. No hope of ever seeing Mack or Sodapop or any of the gang members for as long as I was in the hands of these Socs. I thought about how I might never see any of them again. How I was being captured by people that, for a little while, I considered my friends. I should have known that my REAL friends, the gang, would never put me through this mess. I looked at the road ahead of me, and saw nothing but the dirt road and the headlights of the car shining. The only other thing I could see was above me. When I looked up at the sky I saw those beautiful lit up stars. They were stars that gave me some hope. Those were the stars that would somehow lead me home. I just didn't know how yet.

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