Chapter Fourteen

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        "So what if they're our birth certificates?!" Mack argued. "Take a look at the last names," Two-Bit replied. On the two birth certificates, it read: 

Katlyn Nicole Matthews and Mackenzie Attaway Matthews.

"What the-?" I said, very confused like. "But, we're not adopted," Mack said, stating the obvious, as always. "See, that's what ya'll think," Sodapop said. "Show them the photo, Two-Bit." Two-Bit pulled out an old photo of us from the same box from which he pulled out the birth certificates. There was a torn picture of two little girls: Mack and I. "That's weird," I said. "My mom has a picture in her wallet with a little boy that's ripped in half." Two-Bit nodded as if weren't getting what he was trying to say. "But Two-Bit," Mack argued. "Mom always told us that the boy died in a car accident." "As did my mother," Two-Bit said. "Don't ya'll see?! They've been lying to us this whole time. The only reason you guys even moved here was so that you could see me, your brother. When you were babies you lived in Texas, then you moved to Oklahoma. Ya'll moved to be closer to me since your parents thought it was such a grand idea. I guess my mom couldn't take care of all three of us on her own, since Dad's never been around, so she let someone adopt ya'll. You see, I didn't know this until my mom explained it to me the other night." "So, what you're trying to say is-" I began. "You two are my sisters," Two-Bit finished. Mack looked like she was about to pass out and I sat down in one of Two-Bit' s recliners. "Wait," I said. "How come we look nothing alike?" "Have you ever wondered why you and Mack don't look alike?" Two-Bit questioned. I thought about it for a second, and he was right. Mack and I looked nothing alike in the face. I mean sure, we had the same brown hair and hazel eyes, but otherwise, we were totally different. "You mean to tell me-" Mack began to say. Two-Bit cut in once again. "Yes, we all come from three different fathers." I swear, my jaw dropped all the way to Two-Bit's old, wooden floor. "If all of this is true," I said. "Then you're my brother?" Two-Bit nodded. It was the most serious I had ever seen him in my life, even to this day. That all ended in an instance though when he started to joke about it. "So what can I call you two?" he picked. "Sissy? Munchkin?" He started to laugh his infamous cackle. "This isn't a joke Two-Bit!" Mack yelled. "Woah calm down there Lil Mack!" "I'm not Lil Mack or Sissy or Munchkin to you!" she started to cry. "Mack what's wrong?" I questioned. I mean, leave it to Mack to be over dramatic. "They lied to us Kat! All these years they lied to us! Don't you feel the least bit angry about all of this?!" "Mack calm down," I began. "I can't calm down!" she screamed. She started to breath heavily, sobbing in between each word. "I feel, I feel, I feel," she started to whell up. "Mack please don't-" Mack cried harder, jumped up, and ran out the door. I ran after her as the door slammed behind her and she reached the car. Great, I thought. Just what I needed, a new sibling AND a crying baby on the loose.

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