Chapter 6

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A long, wretched moon of leaf-bare had passed since Cherrypaw's vision.

Often from time to time, Cherrypaw pondered about it. After all, it must of had some sort of meaning. It was a vision for goodness sake.

"Cherrypaw.." Raintuft stuttered, an uncertain look in her eyes. "We have our first patient with greencough."

"G-greencough?" Cherrypaw had known the deadly disease - especially to elders and kits. She never thought in life she would have to deal with it, but then again, she was only a kit when her thoughts were that initially. As a kit, she thought she was going to be the best warrior. She never knew she was going to get mauled by a fox. She never knew she was going to become semi-blind and lose some sort of balance. Now, as a medicine cat apprentice she realized the heavy responsibility that came with it. She had forgotten all about greencough...

"Alderbreeze.. is he okay?" asked Whitedawn, worry in her soft mew.

Cherrypaw had never realized Alderbreeze was sitting on his moss bed, skinny and frail. You could see his broad ribs jut out slightly. It's really taken the toll on him. Cherrypaw gasped, wide-eyed.

Raintuft jumped in front of Cherrypaw, quick. "He's okay. I've given him some catmint and all he needs is rest.." she looked at him slowly. "I promise."

Whitedawn smiled, "You don't have to promise. Everything happens for a reason. Death is unavoidable. It may take a lot to understand that - but once you do - it puts you at ease." Whitedawn sighed. "-Especially at an age like mine - I could retire in the next couple of moons or so, I see something coming upon me. That's for sure-" she let out a rickety cough before walking away, her glance sweeping behind her shoulder to Raintuft's shocked expression.

I sense something within this clan. Perhaps I should contact StarClan for information... Cherrypaw had a bright idea.

"Hey Raintuft, I-I'm going to- uh-" she stuttered. "Collect herbs. See if the last of the catmint by StormClan territory has died or not.." she said, without letting Raintuft respond, she stalked off.

She then, when further away from the medicine cat den, galloped out of camp. No cats were around to she figured a trip to the Moonpond would be okay.


She reckoned she was at the top of MapleClan territory, and past the twolegplace, where the Moonpond lay. She had to admit, the twolegplace nearby here was silent to the point where it was eery.

With a sigh, she sat by the Moonpond. It was so peaceful - unlike what was going on in MapleClan territory right now. She heard some sort of pawsteps. With a peer behind her shoulder, she saw a muscular, broad-shouldered battle-scarred black cat charge at her. Teeth bared and claws extended. He seemed hungry for her blood.

I haven't been taught how to fight! Cherrypaw thought with a panic as the tom stared at her, his green eyes glowing with resentment.

With a sudden jolt, he charged at her. He pushed her over with an easy blow to her shouler and her head landed on the ground with a thud. He growled a deep throaty growl.

"Don't come near here. Ever again. MapleClan scum." He said, his voice thick with anger.

He knows I'm MapleClan? This tom doesn't smell like a clan!- W-What?

With a gulp she gathered the courage to say, "Who are you?" She murmured, and "How do you know where I'm from!?!"

"Secrets, dear." He said with a smirk. Cherrypaw gagged at him describing her as 'dear.'

"Who are you though?" Cherrypaw said now, growing impatient.

"Ah~" He said in a singsong tone. "I'm Snake. Now.. nothing more than that."

"You're not telling me because your scared." slipped out Cherrypaw. I said my thoughts! Her eyes were filled with panic.

Now, she was dizzy and he was a blur. Worst thing was, she was half-blind! She couldn't see half of his figure. She felt cold whip into her fur, and she made a gurgle.

My head is underneath the moonpool water! Cherrypaw felt panic flare in her as she squirmed. This tom I don't know is trying to drown me!

For a moment, she closed her eyes, knowing it was the end for her, but she felt the heavy weight on her chest release. She splashed out of the water, struggling for air. In her blurry vision - she saw a black and white figure and a gray figure.

She wiped her eyes, and her vision cleared. Not completely, but it was better than what it was. She realised with flush fur it was Mosspaw! She didn't recognise the gray muscular tom though, who seemed to be doing the majority of the fighting.

The tom scowled as he could not fight two cats. He dashed off, a lurking, mysterious look lingering in his eyes as he ran off.

After that encounter, the toms padded towards her. Mosspaw was staring deep into her. He had sadness and worry twinged in his eyes.

"Young one," the gray tom dipped his head. "What are you doing so far away from your camp. You smell of MapleClan. Where is your mentor?"

Cherrypaw felt herself grow more red by the minute. "I-I- I'm a medicine cat- I came here after a vision I got and- and I need to g-get more information for t-this sickness going around our clan-" she stammered, explaining. Weight heavy felt on her paws.

The gray tom sighed. "You must be Raintuft's apprentice. I'm Stoneblaze, and this is Mosspaw." Mosspaw stiffened timidly at the mention of his name. He smiled slightly, acting like he didn't know her. Stoneblaze directed his gaze back to Cherrypaw. "We are here for a similar reason."

"What reason?" Cherrypaw asked.

"Don't be so sneaky!" The gray tom meowed. "You're from an opposing clan. Why would I tell you?" He laughed with amusement, he sighed.

"Mosspaw, look for herbs around here. I'm going to do all the talking. Cherrypaw, you must be getting back. You can speak to StarClan at the half-moon. We could too but ours is too severe." Stoneblaze instructed.

Mosspaw rolled his eyes, and muttered under his breath "Why bother bringing me if I'm just going to do nothing?"

Mosspaw pretended to look for herbs as Cherrypaw pretended to turn away to walk. Once Stoneblaze's muscles untensed, Cherrypaw nodded. "Come, Mosspaw."

"C-Cherrypaw- you're meant to be getting back-" he bit his muzzle nervously.

"I'd rather chat to you than go to my unsupportive clan right now, Mosspaw..."

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