Chapter 9

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This chapter deals with some sensitive subjects like sexual violence and abuse. I just wanna let you know before just throwing you into that fire. It's not really anything too brutal but it isn't a walk in the park. If you don't want to read that but still want to read this chapter go past the first italic section. You can read from there without a problem (probably).


I walked kinda fast. It was late at night but I ran to the store to get a snack. I couldn't sleep and I had no food at home so... I needed to get some. I wasn't walking fast because I was scared or anything like that but because I just wanted to get home. I had walked this road a thousand and 1 times so I assumed was fine.

I turn the last corner and only steps from my apartment building I feel a hand grip my shoulder and turn me around forcefully. I was met with a face I thought I'd never see again.

"F-father...." I stuttered out staring at the man almost double my height. His face brutally scarred from living with my mother for too long.

"(Y/n), you gotta help me." he pleaded gripping my arm with a bunch of strength. His nails dug into my skin. I wince and stare into his deranged yellow eyes.

"I need help. Your help." I was frozen as he spoke and one of his hands slowly went down to his zipper. "She won't give me any." I stare at his hand in horror and terror for what's next.

"You look just like her too. Your perfect." his hand brush my face softly. I tried to back up but the same hand gripped my arm again. "Don't try to resist." he said forcing my body toward him with all his strength. He pushed me against the wall and ripped my shirt right off. Tears appeared in my eyes as I struggled under his strong form. His nails were starting to break through my skin and his grip was likely leaving a bruise.

"Stop! Please stop!" my voice rang out sounding distraught and scared. His hand still holding onto tightly to my arm. I couldn't stop myself from breathing fast and my father quickly wiggled his pants down just a little.

A billion questions ran through my head starting with: how did he find me? I continued to struggle until my leg sprung up and kicked him were the sun doesn't shine. He stopped and took several steps back. I took several more breathes before darting up to my apartment. 

I unlocked the door after jumbling with the keys for a couple seconds. I got in and slam the door shut locking all three of the locks going down the side of the door. My body then stayed still for several more seconds before I slowly slide down the door and onto the ground. Tears started well up in my eyes as I fully realize what could've happened to me. He used to do it all the time before I was found and taken away from him and my mother.

I slowly broke down. Loud sobs took over my throat.


I woke up and tears slowly leaked from my eyes. I quickly wiped my face after that memory resurface. Every once and awhile I'd have that dream. Usually only once every couple months.

I stood up and my alarm went off not a second later. I pick my phone up and turn it off getting ready for the day.


I heard a softly knock on the door that woke me from my slumber. I couldn't help but notice that I was still on the floor next to the door lacking a shirt. I stood on my feet and look through peep hole only to see Touya's face. My eyes widened as he knocks again.

I took a deep breath and wipe my tear stained face. I slowly opened the door. Immediately he could tell something was wrong.

"(Y/n)... Are you okay?" he asked. He stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind himself. I could tell he was a little surprised when I rushed behind him and locked the door up. "(Y/n)?" he asked a little shaken up by my jumpiness.

"I'm fine." I took a deep breath. "Actually I'm not. But I want to pretend like I am." I tell him. My eyes stayed to the ground while I spoke.

His eyes went over to the the bruise and dried blood that went down my arm. "What happened?" he demanded. My puffy, red eyes stayed down and my face still blank.

"I don't want to talk about it..." I trailed off. I could tell he was anxious for the answer but he still didn't want to push me.

I sigh. "You remember when I told you my dad used to..." I pause and look down at my hands. "Do things he shouldn't." I could see more rage in his eyes. I walk closer to him. All five fingers on my right hand connected with the skin on his right arm. It forced me to know his feelings and it dulled mine out.

"Why'd you-"

"He almost got the chance to do the bad things again. He didn't but it still got to me..." I tell him.

That night he comforted me. He even stayed the night with me. I didn't want him to touch me though. Which was kinda weird because he just took my first consensual time not even a week ago. It was a dream not even a day ago but now it was almost a nightmare...

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