Her Name is Autumn

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Her Name Is Autumn- Prolouge: 

     Teenagers all over the world faced that feeling, the one where they felt that no one actually knew who they were. Though I wasn't sure if any of them had any kind of substance behind it. My case was a little different. 

     Everyone in my life seemed to have a different opinion of me. My family thought I was an angel, who attended a elite private school in France and that tried hard and stood by the rules. My friends thought of me as a rebel as I was the only one in the group who had ever been in a fight and knew how to pick a variety of locks. My English teacher thought I was a lesbian. The students at the school I recently attended knew me as the 'jokester' and the ones at my current school which I had been attending for three years assumed I was rich and spoilt. 

     Not one of them were right.

   Even my family and 'friends' didn't know my true identity. Hopefully, if I did my job right, they never would.



New story! I don't know if it's a good idea to start one just after starting another but I will anyway :) Saving Crime is giving me a headache. The first chapter will hopefully be up tonight. Hopefully.

Tell me if you like it :D Vote, comment and fan!

And thanks @awesome4evah for the super amazing cover!

-Mia x

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