Chapter Five

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"We've got the fire who's got the matches

Take a look around at the sea of masks

Come one come all welcome to the grand ball

Where the strong run for cover and the weak stand tall

I'm not one to scatter ashes

But there's some things that melt the plastic

Try and dig down deeper if you can"

-Thousand Foot Krutch


Her Name is Autumn - Chapter Five

   "You're late." The teacher, Miss Kartin, stated as we walked into the classroom.

   I stepped forward and spoke politely, but confidently, "Sorry, Miss. We were both held up in the principles office. It's my first day here, and Noah- as kind as he is- kindly offered to show me around." I smiled at her, while mentally rolling my eyes as her face softened.

   "Of course. Take a seat." She shooed us down to the back of the class, where there was two conveniently placed empty pastel blue seats. I sat down in one, Noah to the left of me. A loud thump sounded around the class suddenly as I dumped my bag onto the beige desk. 

   "Sorry." I said sheepishly.

   Class returned into session, and I scoped out the room. Windows ran the entire length of the left of the classroom, and there was only one door- the one I had previously walked through. Not much in the means of an exit strategy, but I would manage. 

   The students were all hunched over their desks, some scribbling down notes from the board, others close to sleep. None of them seemed to stand out, so I trusted my gut and wrote them off as no immediate threat.

   "How did you do that?" Noah lent over, though he didn't have to reach to far as the desks were pressed up against each other. The whole classroom was layed out in rows of two.

   "Do what?"

   "Not get us yelled at? Miss Kartin's a tight-ass." He actually looked slightly confused.

   "A little smile and some manners to wonders when it comes to people like her."

   "Never would have guessed. Huh, I suppose you learn something new everyday." Noah shrugged, turning back to his work.

   A familiar whistle echoed around the silent classroom and everyone looked around, unsure as to where it came from. As discreetly as possible, I reached for my phone, which was in the back pocket of my black skinny jeans. It was slightly awkward as I reached under myself to remove it, but when Noah saw the flash of a slim white phone, he stopped looking at me strangely.

   The whistle had been my phone. It was Rue's whistle from the Hunger Games. I was a bit of a fan.

   "Hunger Games?" Noah whispered.

   "I'm impressed you recognised it."

   "I'm insulted that you would think anything less." He held a hand over his heart in mock hurt. I snorted quietly before opening up the text.

   Lyn! You're needed outside. You have 5 min, then I'm coming in with a family emergency. See you soon. x

   I looked at the sender, only to see it was from 'Chris'. He was saved into my phone as Chris, but i had given up thinking of him as that.

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