Chapter Two

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“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others...for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.”

  - Albert Einstein 


Her Name is Autumn - Chapter Two

   He paused, searching my face- looking for any sign of weakness or pain. I showed nothing. No one could see any flicker of emotion through my stone cold gaze. My face didn't twitch at all as Seb spoke, each word cutting deeper than the last.

   "You all know of the Datura case?" Unsurprisingly, heads around the table bobbed in agreement. Everyone knew of the Datura case. The FBI had taken it up little under two years ago. It was probably one of the more riskier things they had done lately. Though I was unsure as to why Seb had brought this up, I was certain it wouldn't be good. 

   The Datura gang was bigger than I had first thought. Four years ago, at the tender age of fourteen, I had encountered a member. At that age, of course, I had thought that I knew everything and was at the top of my game. So, thinking that a Datura member was just as easy to manipulate as any other lonely gang sheep, I attempted to screw up a deal for them. 

   From a young age I was taught that in a gang there were different rankings. I knew the in and outs of a gang. Naturally, there were the foot soldiers. They did all the dirty work, nothing to worry about. Foot soldiers were usually there so that they could feel apart of something. They were generally weak and thick. 

   I had assumed that Datura was just like any other gang. I hadn't even considered the fact that there were always outliers. Datura didn't just initiate anyone into their gang. Sure, there were the foot soldiers, but they were completely different and even they had some brains. Datura had to be one of the biggest gangs I had ever heard of. Their territory was massive and they only took on the best of the best.

   When I had seen the two men, who were both aged no more than early twenties, and recognised the gang tattoo, I hadn't thought that the tattoo told me more than what gang they were in. I hadn't known enough. 

   Subconsciously, I rubbed the scar that circled my wrist.

   "Good. I do not know how much you all know, but I have called you in for a reason. The head of the FBI has contacted us. Something has happened." Seb voice wavered slightly. His brows furrowed slightly, creasing his forehead.

   I didn't know about the others, but I had seen this coming. Sure the FBI were good at what they do, but you've got to be kidding me. They wanted to get several of their men into the gang and scavenge their way up through the complex ladder of power within Datura. And, similar to my current case, finish off the leader.

   Even if that had all gone to plan, there were plenty willing candidates that would take his place. It wouldn't even leave a dent. The power would swap easily and no one would be the wiser.

   Seb watched us all closely. "They have come to us for help." As soon as the words escaped his mouth, both he and I cringed. Cries of disgust and horror erupted around the room.  

   "What fucking game are we playing?"

   "I thought we were independent!"

   "Are you bloody stupid?"

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