Chapter Three

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"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” 

― Arthur Conan Doyle


Her Name is Autumn - Chapter Three

   "Chin up, man. I don't see what the big deal is. You're usually so excited to take on missions." Tane said in a very pathetic attempt to cheer me up.

   "Yeah," Harvey popped out from my wardrobe, holding a pink bikini top over his torso, "And I'm going to be with you. It couldn't be bad with me there." 

   I ignored them both, I walked over the grey carpeted floor to my bed. Climbing on, I reached up to the poster of si-fi guns that the twins got me for my birthday the previous year that was hanging between the two posts of the bed and pulled the pins out. They left small holes in the otherwise flawless off-white wall. As the thin poster fell to the tropical themed bed cover in front of me, I lent closer to the safe in the wall. Ignoring the twin's banter behind me, the small rectangle door opened with a click after I spun the lock's combination.

   I puffed out my cheeks and let them deflate by stretching out a breath. As I looked around the room I noticed that it, surprisingly, had a lot of personality. Sure, it wasn't me that usually bought the stuff, but it was still there. Opposite the bed, hanging just over the door, was an upside down bucket screwed onto the wall with a pipe. Chuckling slightly at the memory of Harvey, Lance (another friend of ours) and myself pranking Tane, I turned away and surveyed the rest of the room.

   On the mahogany desk that sat to the right of the doorframe was the typical globe of the world. Seb had got me this last Christmas, shortly after I admitted my hatred towards maps and learning countries and capitals. Geography was the only subject that I resourced to cheating. The globe was placed skillfully close to the edge, so that if I were ever fortunate enough to accidentally n=knock it over. . . 

   Also on the desk was a large pile of books, despite the mahogany bookshelf standing against the wall. Whenever I could I would read. Personally, it was a nice escape from reality.

   "Yo, Autumn, you gonna grab your weapon of choice or continue staring into space?" Harvey shouted, clearly not realising that I was only a few feet away from him.

   "Whatever, Geek." I mumbled, not in the mood to use my brain and come up with a suitable come-back. As I had said this, both Harvey and Tane exchanged a worried glance. I rolled my eyes at their antics- I was just tired. 

   Who was I kidding? I couldn't even convince myself. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and returned my focus to the safe. Laying inside was a hefty collection of weapons, consisting mainly of guns but also blades and even a few shurikens. 

   Tane, not being much of a fighter, had once relentlessly insisted that I teach him to use a shuriken. Of course, I hadn't known either. So I Googled it. Needless to say, we had both become very talented. Though, that wasn't until we had practiced a lot. Harvey and Lance were jealous, they were just in denial.

   "Tane, pass me my gym bag." I called over my shoulder as I assesed the safe. From the side of my eye, I could make out a dark navy bag flying in my direction. On instinct, my arm shot out and gripped it.

   After some thought, I scooped out over half of my collection and dumped in the the bag. Satisfied, I zipped it up.

   Harvey whistled, "You're taking all that?"

   "They're a big, bad gang. Why not?" I knew without looking that they both rolled their eyes. Idiots.

   "Yeah, I can't get over that the FBI came to us for help. I mean, not to be rude, but we're not exactly the same scale as them." Tane said, confusion coloring his tone. 

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