859 13 1

It was finally quite in cell 13. A girl sat on the floor reading a book by the window. Her blue hair was in a bun and her shirt was off the shoulder. Her tank top was showing but she didn't mind since the guys were gone. She set her book down and stretched.

"Let's see....they should be back in 3...2....1..." she said pointing to the door.

Sure enough her four roommates were thrown into the cell by the supervisor. He was clearly angry and began yelling.

"Damnit you four! I can't keep doing this! Why can't you four take after 00 and behave?!" Her supervisor yelled.

"But we are bored! There's nothing to do!" 15 or Jyugo whined.

"Yeah! Besides Ma-Chan doesn't like us!" 25 or Nico. Said agreeing.

"What a bunch of crap. If she didn't like you you would be dead." Hajime sighed closing the door and walking away.

"Y'all got captured pretty fast. But telling by how pissed he was I'm guessing you all made it outside." Mami said standing up.

Her red eyes held mischief in them. The four guys all began laughing as she joined in. She then walked over to the locker that belonged to her and grabbed the first aid kit.

"Yeah. We made it pretty far this time. But the traps sucked." Jyugo answered as she sat next to him.

"Well it's not like they were expecting you four to get that far. But then again they were idiots for putting four great jail breakers in one cell together." She said attending to his wounds.

"Yeah. But if it weren't  for you as our personal nurse we wouldn't be able to move! So it's also thanks to you Mami!" 69 or Rock said cheekily.

"I agree. They say Jyugo is our leader but I think it's you." 11 or Uno said.

The guys all nodded as she smiled softly. Yep. This was her life in Nanba. Her name is Hyakushiki Mami. She's known as the most beautiful girl. Also as "The Queen" in the prison. No one can go against her. And the four knuckleheads she was attending to are her roommates.

"Yeah well..." she started standing up.

"Besides healing you all I don't really do much. I mean I can distract guards but that's pretty much it." She said putting things away.

"That's not true. We would be lost without you!" Jyugo said smiling.

Mami blushed slightly before sighing and throwing a pillow at him.

"Whatever. Get some sleep guys. I heard we have to train with Yamamoto tomorrow." She said as the guys groaned.

Mami giggled getting her bed ready. Soon everyone was laid out. Mami slept in the middle with Nico on her left and Jyugo on her right. Everyone slept peacefully.


Mami opened her eyes to see a field. Her brows knitted together in confusion. She stood up and brushed dirt off her pants. She was still in her prison uniform. But where the hell was she?

"Hello! Is anyone there?" She called.

Mami's voice echoed through the field. She began walking feeling the soft dirt beneath her feet. She felt a wind and closed her eyes shielding them from dirt. When she opened them her nose was struck with a metallic smell.

"Mami! Run!" She heard a voice yell.

Her eyes shot open. She began running to the voice before tripping. She sat up groaning before looking at what she tripped on.

"U-uno??" She asked quietly.

She crawled over to him but stopped when she saw blood. She covered her mouth holding in a scream. Mami's eyes wandered the area and saw the two others. Her eyes widened as she saw Rock and Nico also lifeless.

"M-Mami!" A weak voice called.

Her body stiffened before slowly turning. Jyugo was trying to make his way to her obviously running from something.

"Jyugo! What happened?!" She asked standing.

"I can't explain! You have to run! Now Mami!" He yelled.

She was about to speak when a sword plunged into his chest. Her red eyes widened as tears flowed endlessly. She screamed his name but got no response. She fell covering her mouth as sobs escaped. Mami shot her head up when she heard the click of a gun behind her.

"You could have stopped this Queen. But you ran away. Now all your friends, the ones you love, will die." A cold voice head.

Mami slowly turned her head in anger and looked at the man. Anger was evident as she looked at him in rage.

"I'll kill you Elf!" She yelled before everything went black.

~End of Dream~

"Mami! Wake up!" Jyugo called softly to the girl.

He was awake as it was from Rock, Uno and Nico. But he was more awake when he heard Mami begin to mumble. Soon his multi colored eyes were met with her ruby eyes.

"J-Jyugo?" She croaked our.

"Yeah. You're fine. Me, Rock, Uno and Nico won't let anything happen." He whispered.

The girl took a shaky breath before nodding. He laid down and held her hand. She laid towards him while closing her eyes. He stared at the girl for a moment and closed his eyes not hearing the guys anymore.

"Cell 13! Get up!" A voice called.

Everyone groaned before sitting up rubbing their eyes.

"I'll do roll call so behave. Inmate number 69!" Hajime called.

"I'm here." Rock yawned.

"You've got bed head. Fix it." Hajime said before starting again.

"Inmate 25." Nico laughed while falling.

Luckily Mami caught him and sighed moving his head to her lap. She giggled seeing Uno do his morning routine.

"What are you laughing at? Number 11." Hajime called.

"Yeah I'm here." Uno said looking at Hajime.

"That's too much beauty product. Number 15?" He asked unsure.

"Right here." Jyugo said smirking while standing next to Mami.

Hajime sighed and nodded towards Mami before walking away.

"Why does he not call your name? Shouldn't he do roll call for all of us?" Rock asked leaning against the wall.

"Well he knows I'm here. I dot escape like you trouble makers." She teased waking up Nico.

"But still. It's kind of weird." Jyugo commented.

"Well maybe he just fell for my looks." She said teasingly.

Mami had her back turned at the four guys blushed at her. Rock, Uno and Nico fanboyed about her cuteness. While Jyugo stared at her out of the corner of his eye. Should he mention last night? Before he could say anything Hajime returned.

"Inmate 00. Let's go." Hajime said with a file.

"Ok! Bye guys see you in a bit!" Mami said waving to the cell.

"You sure have them wrapped around your finger don't you." Hajime mumbled while walking with her.

"I don't know what you mean Haji-Chan!" She cheered.

Hajime blushed and looked ahead She she wouldn't notice. Mami, however did notice and silently giggled to herself. She looked at the sky and smiled.

'Here I Come MoMo-neesan." She thought

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