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"Inmate 00 get up!" Hajime called.

Mami groaned covering her head with her pillow. The guys sat up yawning.

"Morning Hajime." Jyugo said leaning his head against his palm.

"Morning. Inmate let's go." Hajime continued.

"I'm up!" Mami snapped sitting up.

Her blue hair was slightly tangled but it didn't seem to bother her. Her ruby eyes were glaring through her eyes lids towards her supervisor.

To say he wasn't slightly terrified of the girl is an understatement. Hajime gulped slightly and looked at his clipboard as Mami stood up.

"Why do you think he needs you?" Rock asked fixing his bed head.

"No clue. But I'll be back soon. And behave!" Mami said looking at the four.

They nodded as she exited the cell. She bid a good morning to Seitaro as he walked by. He seemed upset with something.

"Please don't leave me alone! Those four scare me!" He cried to Hajime.

Mami sighed patting his head. She gave a sympathetic smile before standing up.

"I'll give you some tips. First is Inmate 11" Mami started.

"That's the talkative one." Seitaro recalled.

"He's a big ladies man. Not to mention he gambled quite often. All you have to do is give him a magazine page filled with women's answers and he'll be stationary." Mami said.

"I see..." he mumbled taking notes.

'He's such a kid...' Hajime sweat dropped.

"Next is Rock or Inmate 69." Mami continued.

"He's the big scary one." Seitaro shivered.

"He's a big glutton. Most of the time he doesn't listen but one thing is he loves food."

"So what I slip him more food?" He asked.

"No no nothing like that. Just give him the menu for the next few days. He'll be day dreaming of good food." Mami laughed.

Seitaro let out a laugh along with it. Hajime cracked a small smile at Mami's laugh but quickly hid it.

"Then there's Nico or 25." Mami said.

"He's actually not that bad compared to others." Seitaro commented.

"He's also the easiest. Just put some cartoons or anime on and throw some snacks in the mix. He won't move for hours." Mami concluded.

"I see. But what about the troublemaker, number 15?" Seitaro asked.

"Well nothing helps with him. He'll escape no matter what you do. But he won't run as fast so it will be easier to capture him. Trust me, if me or the guys aren't interested then he won't try running." Mami smiled brightly.

Seitaro smiled and blushed bowing before running off. Mami sighed before returning to walk with Hajime. Once she saw they were back at her sister's office her curiosity grew.

"Soooo why are we here?" She asked.

"No clue. But she asked for you and me to be here." Hajime said.

Mami nodded her head before yawning. Her ruby eyes held a laziness that anyone cowered away from. The one thing everyone knew was not to mess with a tired Mami. Rock tried it before and nearly everyone in the prison heard his screams.

"We're here." Hajime called.

Mami sighed turning around and covered her ears. 50 questions later her an Hajime walked trough the office. They got to her sister's room as she knocked. A come in was heard as the pair walked through.

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