"Excuse me, warden? I was wondering if I could ask you about something." Samon asked standing in front of her.

"Yes? What is it?" Momoko asked looking up for a brief second while going back to work.

"Inmate 00 of Cell block 13. You always call her in. Is there a reason you do so? And why is she here in Nanba? Only Hajime seems to know the reason and he won't tell us." Samon spoke trying to find the right words.

Momoko tensed slightly. She knew that this was going to come up. She leaned back for a moment closing her eyes before letting out a sigh.

"What I'm about to tell you musts stay between the three of us. None of the inmates nor guards can know. I'm putting my complete faith in you, Samon Gokuu." Momoko says looking at him with her ruby eyes.

The guard gulps and nods firmly. His tail moved a bit at the tension. What could be so important for her to hide?

"Inmate 00, otherwise known as Mami, is my little sister. She's 16 years old and a true beauty as you and the others are aware of." Momoko began.

Samon's eyes widened at this news. Every muscle seemed to tense.

"She's your sister? Then how did she..." Samon trailed off still shocked.

"End up in jail? From what she's told, someone controlled her at point. Who or why I have no clue. She won't say a word. Hajime has reported to me anytime a change in her attitude has occurred. I call her in to see for myself if anything has changed." Momoko finished.

Samon took all the information in. The room was silent as the two thought. What could have possessed her to become the way she is? Why is she so quiet about it?

"Anyway. Like I've said before. If you want to know more about Mami you need to talk with Hajime. Otherwise no one can know. Not a prisoner and not a guard. Do I make myself clear?" Momoko asked.

"Yes ma'am!" Samon said standing in salute before walking away.

Once the door closed Momo sighed and leaned back. Her hands crossed and sat in her lap as she stared at the paperwork.

"I wish you would tell us Mami. Maybe then we could have helped you." She mumbled to herself.


"Ugh where are they?!" Mami whined flopping down on her mat.

She blew a piece of her blue hair out of her face as she looked at the ceiling. It was already 30 mins past when they were supposed to meet. And yet they weren't here.

"I swear when I get my hands on those 4...." she mumbled propping a leg up.

"Would you quit following me?!" A voice yelled before she heard a thump.

"Why would I? This is a competition," another calm voice responded muffled.

Mami sat up raising an eyebrow. She stood up and made her way to the door. She looked out to see 5 silhouettes.

"What room is she in again?" This time she knew the voice.

"I'm in here geniuses!" She yelled crossing her arms and backing up.

Soon the door handle moved before opening and revealing her favorite cell mate. The multi colored eye male held a look of annoyance. The other three followed in as another stood at the door.

"Took you all long enough. I was about to fall asleep." She smirked as Jyugo chuckled.

"Yeah well tell that to the fanboys. I wanted to leave sooner. They held me back." He said standing next to Mami.

"Oh? And who are you?" Mami asked finally noticing the male.

Tsukomo stood frozen with his heart beating fast. Is this what they call love at first sight?

"Hello! I asked you a question!" Mami said placing her hand on her hips.

"I-I'm Tsukomo!" He said bowing.

"Yeah Ma-Chan!! He's a ninja!" Nico yelled excitedly.

"A ninja?" Mami asked uninterested.

Jyugo snickered to the side at her attitude. He's glad at least she didn't go crazy. But he forgot she is native Japanese just like him.

"He got arrested for peeping on a lady." Jyugo whispered.

"Seriously?!" Mami asked quietly as Tuskomo was busy with the three.

"Yeah! Most funniest thing I've heard!" Jyugo said laughing as Mami giggles.

"So Mami! How's the new cell?" Uno asked finally acknowledging the girl.

"It's cold and smells awful. I'm surrounded by pervy guys who want my attention. It's horrible!" She cried pouting slightly.

Tsukomo, Uno, Rock and Nico all blushed from her cuteness. While Jyugo looked away as to not show he was totally staring at her.

"Anyway. Why the hell are the five of you out of the cell? I thought Hajime told you all to stay in the cell and behave!" Mami said "scolding" the five.

The guys all smiled to themselves seeing she didn't change. Unbeknownst to Tsukomo, while Uno, Rock and Nico all thought he was cool, they wanted Mami back. No one could heal them like her.

"Yeah well, Mr.Ninja thinks he can beat me in an escape game. The others followed just to watch." Jyugo said as the two lead the way.

"There is no way he can beat you. And from what I've seen, all he's been doing is following you. Isn't the point of an escape game to choose your own path?" Mami asked loudly.

"A ninja's way is to be stealthy. I shadow." Tsukomo responded hiding his blush.

Mami hummed in response smirking seeing the camera. She nudged Jyugo and pointed up without the others noticing. He smirked and stopped as he opened the gate.

"Right. Whatever you say." Jyugo said tuning around.

"Hold it! Just what the hell do you five think you are doing?!" Hajime roared.

"Easy Hajime. I didn't even want to break out anyway. Our new cell mate wanted to place a bet." Jyugo said bored.

"It's the truth! I'm just here because I was kidnapped. You know I would NEVER escape." Mami said smiling.

Hajime fought his blush down as he sighed at the girl. Tsukomo tried hiding but failed miserably. Mami looked in amusement as he trapped himself besides Hajime.

"Just get back to your cells. I'll deal with number 99 later..." Hajime said grabbing the four males.

Mami waved bye to a sulking Tsukomo as she walked alongside her superior. She skipped slightly happy to finally be able going back to her regular cell. Hajime threw the boys into the cell then stepped aside so Mami could get trough. Once inside Nico grabbed onto her side in a hug.

"Behave you five." Hajime said with a smirk.

Mama smiled and pet Nico's head before facing the other three.

"If you four ever make me wait like that again, I promise you will not see this cell ever again. Got it?" She asked with a sickly sweet smile.

"Yes ma'am!" The four gulped at her change of attitude.

"I'm just glad to have our own personal nurse back! Besides this cell needs a female's touch. Lord knows what would happen if it was just us four." Rock joked.

Everyone laughed as Mami sat down smiling at her goofy cell mates. But she wouldn't change any of them for the world. A smile made its way to her face.

'It's good to be back' Mami thought to herself

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