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Mami was wondering the halls. Every now and then she was allowed to. Only because it was for her good behavior. She was currently looking for Jyugo. She never got to thank him for laying with her that night. Mami quickly shook her head feeling her blush arise. What could she say? Everything about Jyugo made her attracted to him. His multi colored eyes, his jail breaking skills, even his mysterious nature.

"Jyugo! Are you here?" She called looking through the halls.

No response. She sighed continuing down the darken hallway. Rubbing her arms, she felt like someone was watching her. Any movement she made it felt like eyes. But that was impossible to do. No one was allowed to roam. And only she was allowed very little.

"I suggest you come out!" She called turning around.

No one. Her pace quickened slightly. Until she heard something and began running. Now Mami typically doesn't get scared. But after her nightmare, she was terrified. She continued running as fast as she could through the halls. Some became unfamiliar as she turned corner after corner. Until she reached a dead end.

"Where the hell am I?!" She freaked trying to figure out what was going on.

Her heart stopped hearing footsteps draw close to her. Fear creeping to her heart she crouched down in a corner. She closed her eyes tightly covering her ears slightly. Footsteps seemed to echo forever. Mami screamed when a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Woah Mami! It's just me!" A familiar voice said.

Mami's ruby eyes peered into a pair of pink and green eyes. Her heart beat increased because of his presence but she shoved that aside. Tears began falling as Jyugo looked shocked at her.

"J-Jyugo! I was l-looking for you a-and then I f-felt someone looking at m-me! T-then s-someone chased me a-and..." Mami said through broken sobs.

Jyugo, not being the best with girls, didn't know what to do. He thought of what Uno had said about a crying girl. You have to hold them and make them feel secure. Gathering his courage and pushing an unknown feeling away, he wrapped his arms around the shaking girl.

Mami tensed feeling Jyugo's arms around her bring her into a hug. Surprisingly, his arms were muscular. Not like Rock's but not less like Nico's. They felt, right to her. She closed her eyes burying her head in his shoulder. Her arms wrapped around his neck bringing the boy closer.

"Don't worry Mami. You are safe. Besides, if anyone tried messing with you, they would have to deal with Cell 13. And I'm sure Hajime would beat their asses." He joked hoping to cheer Mami up.

Mami chuckled lightly at his joke. Jyugo smiled to himself glad he got her to laugh. Soon he pulled away only to turn the other way. Mami was confused at his motion.

"Hop on! You obviously are lost. Besides unless you've noticed your knee is bleeding," he replied looking over his shoulder.

Mami looked down and noticed her scraped knee. She blushed but got on his back. As soon as she was on she wrapped her arms around his neck lightly. Jyugo grabbed the back of her thighs to secure her before taking off.

Mami was amazed. Normally he isn't this strong. It's always Rock carrying one of the other four. Not that Mami was complaining in the least. She knew this was something only she got to see. Mami smiled laying her head on his shoulder closing her eyes.

"I'll wake you up when we get to the cell." He whispered.

Jyugo felt Mami's heart slow down slightly. He smiled to himself making turns along the way heading back to the cell. He slightly regretted doing this. He just knew the guys were going to tease him. You see, little Jyugo here has a crush on Mami. The guys knew but not Mami. He was scared of being rejected. And it's not like they really hung out.

"Oi! Jyugo!" Uno yelled.

Jyugo quickly placed a finger to his lips to silence Uno and the others. They stopped curiously before seeing a sleeping Mami. They gasped before smiling evilly. Jyugo glared at them before adjusting the girl on his back. He walked past his friends and towards their cell.

"Who knew you could handle women, Jyugo~" Uno teased quietly.

"I know! Especially with Mami-Chan!" Nico agreed.

"He's actually grown up!" Rock chimed in as the three snickered.

Jyugo rolled his eyes as a blush made it to his face. Mami's grip tightened slightly as she smiled in her sleep peacefully.

"Would you three shut it? I don't want her to wake up or Hajime to find us!" He hissed at the three.

His cell mates were quiet but still held smirks on their faces. Soon the five made it back to the cell. Uno opened the door as Jyugo entered. He set Mami down on her cot before standing up straight. He sighed sitting in the corner away from her. The other three joined in.

"So~ you made you're move?" Uno asked sliding next to him.

"What are you talking about? She got lost and scrapped her knee. It looked like it hurt so I let her ride on my back. That's all that happened so get your minds out of the gutter." Jyugo said placing a hand on his cheek.

Uno kept his smirk but walked over and grabbed the medical kit. Luckily Mami has shorts so it was easy for him to patch her knee up. Once he was done he covered her up and gushed quietly at her sleeping face.

"What do you think Mami is afraid of?" Nico suddenly asked.

"It's hard to say. She doesn't seem like she is afraid of anything." Rock said leaning against the wall while crossing his arms.

"I don't think that's the case. Think about it guys. Jyugo said she was alone when he found her. Maybe she is afraid of being left alone for long periods of time." Uno pointed out.

"That's a possibility. But something tells me there is something else she is afraid of. Or someone that she is afraid of." Jyugo replied.

"Someone?" The three asked.

"When I did find her, she said she was looking for me. Then she felt like someone was watching her. After a bit she began running and someone was chasing her. It wasn't me because I found her later. But there was no one else there." He said answering.

The four sat in silence thinking for a bit. They didn't notice, but Mami was awake. Her grip on the blanket was tight, turning her knuckles a sheet white.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you guys, but I can't let you get hurt. I won't let anyone get hurt again." Mami thought to herself closing her eyes.

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