Mami held her legs to her chest as she watched the chests of her friends rise and fall. It was the only thing letting her know they were still alive and breathing. He didn't get to them. Her dream stayed that, a dream. She sighed running a hand through her hair. Why was she letting him get to her?

She felt her heart drop as he walked closer. She stood in a defensive stance. Elf smiled wickedly at the clearly frightened girl.

"What? You aren't happy to see me? I'm hurt~" he sang.

"Stay away from me." She growled anger taking over.

"No can do. You owe me! I saved you from a life of boredom." He said walking around.

"Saved me?! Boredom? You made me a monster! I killed innocent people!" She yelled throwing a punch.

"A monster? Oh not true. You are an angel! One that holds a beauty no one can run from." He said behind her.

Her body chilled at his words. Her heart stopped as he leaned closer.

"I know you had a nightmare. Let me guess. It was your dear cell mates. Those boys you care so much for. Tell me, how is little Jyugo doing? I've been meaning to catch up with him." Elf smirked.

Mami's eyes widened. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Jyugo? What did he have to do with this?

"What do you mean?" She asked quietly.

"Oh he didn't tell you? Don't you want to know what the shackles he has mean? Where he got them from?" Elf asked walking away.

Mami turned to face him as he sat on the railing. The ever lasting smirk playing on his lips.

"How do you know Jyugo?! Leave him out of this!" Mami yelled.

"No can do my dear. I think that's enough for today! Have a lovely night!" Elf said before laughing and diving off the railing.

Mami ran to the edge to see no sight of Elf. She let out a shaky breath before heading back to her cell. She sat in the corner once she made sure the boys, especially Jyugo, were all safe.

Mami snapped out of her thoughts when she felt eyes watching her. She looked up to see Jyugo staring at her through his tired green and pink eyes. She gave a small smile as he made his way over, dragging his blanket over before sitting down.

"Another nightmare?" He asked quietly.

"You could say that." She responded smiling at the other three.

"You seem shaken up. Want to talk about it?" Jyugo asked.

Mami shrugged her shoulders holding her arms. Jyugo noticed she was cold before sighing softly and threw an arm around her shoulders before pulling her close. Mami felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she leaned against his shoulder.

"I don't know what you are thinking. You have always been so tough until recently. And now you are afraid of every small thing. Ever since your first nightmare. What's going on Mami? Talk to me." Jyugo asked quietly holding the girl tightly.

Mami felt her heart drop for a moment. Has she been like that? She didn't notice.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I have been afraid of all the small things. And it did start after the nightmare. It's just...I'm so afraid and I don't know why. All my dreams have Uno call my name. Rock is always in pain then the two are silent. I run towards Nico's cries just to find him dead. And then I just freeze. I feel anger and sadness. But I don't break at that..." Mami said feeling herself grip Jyugo's shirt.

"What did break you?" Jyugo asked softly holding the girl.

"You were stabbed...right through the heart. You were trying to warn me but a sword was plunged into your chest. I-I tried saving you but I couldn't I j-just...." Mami began but soon stopped feeling sobs break through.

Jyugo maneuvered the girl to sit in his lap so her head was laying on her chest. He covered her with the blanket. It felt like it was a shield. One to hide her away from all the pain and sorrow she felt. She listened to his heart beat as she slowly calmed down.

"I promise Mami. I'm still alive and well. Uno is grinding his teeth like always. Nico is happily laughing in his sleep. And Rock is snoring away his problems. None of us would ever leave you. It would be to hard for us to do that. You are part of our family. You always have. I don't know where these nightmares came from. But I do know I won't let you get hurt. See? My heart is still beating. I'm right here Mami. I won't leave you alone I promise." Jyugo whispered tightly wrapping his arms around her.

Mami smiled and hugged his torso breathing his scent. She felt her heart rate slow down.

"Thank you....Jyugo." She said before falling asleep.

Jyugo smiled to himself feeling the girl relax in his arms. Her breathing was calm unlike it was a few moments ago. Jyugo leaned against the wall to get comfortable and moved Mami so she rested against his chest. He crossed his legs as he looked at her face. He lightly kissed her forehead before closing his eyes.


Quiet talking and laughter caused the multicolored eye male to wake. His eyes fluttered before finally opening. He looked to see his other cell mates all gathered around something. He felt a body stir and looked down to see Mami still sleeping. He felt a blush rush to his face remembering last night. He shook his head and gently laid Mami down as she continued to sleep.

"Morning~" Uno sang quietly.

"Whatever." Jyugo mumbled stretching.

"Is Ma-Chan ok? She looks like she has been crying..." Nico said slightly worried.

"She's fine Nico. She just had a nightmare last night. It spooked her is all." Jyugo said calming the young inmate down.

"Good morning inmates!" Yamato yelled coming through with a horse.

"How the hell did he get a horse in here?!" Everyone thought.

Just then Mami groaned before sitting up. A yawn escaped her lips as she rubbed her tired eyes.

"Good Morning Yamamoto." She said standing up.

"Ah young Mami! How was your slumber?" The energetic guard asked.

"It was Fine Yamamoto. Is it time for morning training already?" She asked sleepily.

"Yes it is! I'm getting you all ready for the festival!" He cheered before laughing.

Mami smiled at the energetic guard and stood up smiling. She's glad he didn't get near them. And Jyugo was right, they were all ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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