Mami sat in a corner of the cell reading a book quietly. Rock and Uno were talking randomly about anything that came to mind. And Nico was watching his favorite anime series while clutching a plush figure. She smiled before noticing that a certain trouble child was missing.

"Hey Uno? Where did Jyugo run off to?" She asked setting her book down.

"He probably went on another escape run. He'll be back soon." The blonde replied smiling.

"Hey Mami-Chan! Can I ask you a question?" Nico asked pausing his anime.

"What's up?" She asked moving to sit in a circle with the three boys.

"Do you like Jyugo?" He asked bluntly.

"Of course I like him. I like all of you." Mami said not understanding the depth of his one little question.

"No not like that! He means do you hold romantic feelings for Jyugo~" Uno smiled.

Mami felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she looked down. Her blue hair was tickling her cheek slightly as she tried to answer. All the boys got in response was a strand of stutters and a few curses.

"Well since that's answered I want to ask one! Why do you like Jyugo so much? He isn't exactly the most romantic." Uno asked leaning towards the girl.

"I-I honestly don't know. Its just something about me attracts me to him." She answered truthfully.

"Come on! There has to be something you love about him! You might as well start talking before he gets back." Rock chimed in.

Mami took a deep breath before thinking. A few thoughts ran through her head. A smile forming on her face.

"Well he tends to be a clutz. It's obvious he can't fight and yet he still tries. He's resilient when he breaks out. Always determined to get as far as he can. Not once has he ever left any of us behind on an escape attempt. Not to mention how his eyes change colors based by his mood. They are so gorgeous! I wish I had eyes as beautiful as his!" Mami started feeling more relaxed and having a bright look in her eyes.

The trio were taken aback slightly but felt like proud mothers. They listened intently to all she had to say.

"I mean Jyugo is weird. But that's what makes me attracted to him. He always plays thing off coolly. And he has never once gotten mad at us. I just.....I just love everything about him." She smiled softly finishing.

"Man Jyugo sure is lucky to have a girl like you love him! But don't even think about forgetting us!" Uno threatened.

"How could I not?" Mami joked as everyone laughed.


Jyugo stood on the outside of the cell listening to Mami talk. Every time she listed a reason she loved him, he felt his list of reasons to love her grow. He placed a hand on his chest feeling it beat faster. He let a small smile grace his lips and he looked down.

"This is love?" He mumbled quietly before walking off.

Jyugo knew he needed to tell Mami his feelings. But how was he supposed to know how to ask a girl? He could talk with Uno but that would end in teasing. Maybe Hajime knew.

"You little shit! How the hell did you get out so fast?!"

Speak of the devil. Jyugo turned around to see Hajime walking towards him.

"Hey I got a question." Jyugo said feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah and what's that?" Hajime asked dragging Jyugo by the arm.

"How do you ask a girl to go out with you?"

A silence fell as Hajime and Jyugo stopped for a minuet. Hajime looked curiously at the Inmate and noticed the blush. So his assumptions were right. Inmate 15 was in love with Inmate 00.

"Look you just have to be honest with her. I haven't exactly asked a girl out before, Inmate 11 might be better or hell even Seitaro. But I will say this. As long as you are yourself there isn't anything wrong." Hajime said as the two began walking back.

Jyugo let the information sink in. Be himself? He guessed that was the answer. Mami obviously loved his personality and all his other habits. Soon they arrived and Hajime threw Jyugo in his cell.

"And stay there! I'm working on the festival!" Hajime yelled.

"Festival?" Uno, Rock and Nico all asked.

"Oh I didn't tell you guys? Cell 13 has been chosen to represent Cell Block 13 in this years New Year Tournament!" Mami smiled looking up from her book.

"What's this tournament?" Jyugo asked sitting up.

"Well there are different rounds of the tournament. Each cell block is asked to participate. And the winner of the tournament gets a wish per person in the winning cell." Mami explained fighting a blush.

"Wait we get anything we want?" Rock asked shocked.

"Well of course it has to be reasonable. For example you could wish for a new comforter or something like that." Mami clarifies.

"I'm so in!" The trio shouted.

Jyugo looked over to Mami seeing her smile that motherly smile she held for the three. He sighed smiling as well and leaned against the wall.

"So when does this tournament begin?" Jyugo asked.

"It will probably be tomorrow. So you all need to get your rest!" Mami said as the three saluted and quickly got their beds ready.

Cell 13 became slightly noisy at all the noises the boys made. Only one person were awake. Mami sighed quietly sitting up and walking over to the door silently slipping out. She wandered the halls till she reached the outside. A small smile graced her features as she closed her eyes. Listening to the waves and feeling the wind were her favorite things.

"Well haven't you grown~" a voice sang.

Mami visibly tensed hearing the new voice. She quickly turned around to see a lean man with blonde hair. His emerald eyes held mischievous evil in them. A smirk playing on his lips showing his sharp teeth.

"Elf...." Mami whispered.

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