Chapter 2 | Surprise

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"G-Gray??! what are you doing here?? When did you arrive??" I was taken aback to see my distant cousin standing right in front of me without any warning. It's been a while since I saw him.

"Hah. Is that how you welcome your bestie? How disappointing. Hmm... You seem to be living in this big castle of yours without me knowing. How very disappointing." he was seated casually on my bed, with his dark black hair that reached his neck swaying in the wind. He wore a simple black jacket with dark black jeans. He seems to be in his early 20s, I was 13 when he was 18. So he should be 24. "Holy devilss... He's handsome." I was snapped back into reality the second I heard Ken muttering those words in my ears.

Thank God he was looking out of the window, otherwise we would have been roasted like peanuts. "Okay I get it. You came back to see Pa right? Who else would you want to see? I'm nothing but a total stranger to you, a half human to be precise. I'm the reason you left 6 years ago right? Why come back now and bother yourself by talking to a dork like me?" My words were filled with hate and sorrow. I looked back to those times when we were like best buddies. Just like siblings. He was sent as a blessing to me by God as he knew I lacked siblings. He stayed with the Horran clan even though he belonged to another. Pa was so fond of him that he gifted him a chief position in the Zaar community. All was going smooth until he left without even saying goodbye. Was I not even worth a mere bye?

"Why do you hesitate to answer? Am I not worth enough to be even answered?" My voice was cracking at a dangerous rate. Please don't cry, not now atleast. I told myself desperately.

Grayson stared at me for God knows how long. I too stared right back at him. The staring contest seemed to last forever. Then after sometime, Gray spoke dismissing the deafening silence.
"I'm here for you El. Nothing else matters. I know you might be confused and all, but give me sometime to bring myself together. I promise I'll tell you everything." His green orbs were filled with love and warmth. Oh how I've missed this feeling!

But then his words registered in my mind. I'm here for you. Those words struck me like lightning. Why would he be here for me? After all these years? "Here for me? Why?" I was so confused and caught in the moment I didn't hear Ken squealing. Yes, you heard me right. We are stuck in this confusing situation and there she is, squealing like a mouse. "Why would you do that ken?!" I glared at her. "See, I knew you were the reason behind his sudden rise, after all, he's smokin' hot and-" I somehow managed to shove her out of the room before she could complete her sentence which I'm positive wouldn't end up good.

"Sorry about that, you know her right, she's still annoying at times." I smiled awkwardly. "No probs. I know her well. She's still the same old annoying caring ken I know. Anyways, I have to talk to you about my arrival. It's not brief, so if you're ready, we can sit somewhere peaceful to talk. And please note that my motives aren't comprised of any unwanted relationship stuffs or anything. I can't see you that way. I don't know what gave Ken that idea." he slightly chuckled.

"Hey... It's okay... She didn't really intend to say that. It's just that, you know, ken can be very bubbly at times. Um... I'm really tired right now and don't think I can get through a long story without dozing off in between. Can we arrange a meeting tomorrow at noon?" I badly wanted to throw myself on my bed and savour a blissful sleep. Even Gray looked exhausted from his journey. "Sure thing. Noon it is then. See you tomorrow, goodnight. And sorry for trespassing your room, I was actually searching for you." He rubbed the back of his neck awkardly and an expression of embarrassment took over his features. "It's okay, I get it. Goodnight. See you then." I gave him a slight smile which he returned.

He slightly nodded and made his way out of my room. Just as I was about to close the door, Ken came rushing in and ran past me, jumping on my bed.

"Soo... Tell me all about it. What were you guys discussing?? What is he here for?? Did he kiss you?? Who made the first move??" she bombarded me with questions one after the other, making me dizzy. "Woah woah woah... Calm down Ken. He's here for some other reasons. And kiss? Are you out of your mind? It's been like 6 damn years and you think he flew all his way from Izah to just kiss me? C'mon! He's my childhood friend who's just like a brother to me. He's from a different clan but still he's a powerful Zaar and that earned him some good brownie points. Since then he's been living with our clan, just like one among us and that made us close, in a brother-sister way. I can't picture him anything more than a friend. Moreover, I've got no such feelings for him."

Ken obviously looked disappointed. "Girl... You just mercilessly flipped my plate of hope. Whatever, you're coming for the upcoming party this weekend right?? I've heard there's gonna be huge cakes and cute vampires." she winked flirtatiously. Uh-oh... Party? Not my thing. "Hell no. I'm not a party person. Moreover, what the hell am I gonna wear for a party? Don't blame me, I haven't been to one recently."

"Tsk need not worry about that when the queen of fashion is right in front of you. Let's go shopping together and I'll pick a dress that'll look great on you. Or maybe you could.. Wait a sec, I almost forgot about it... Yesss!!! You'll look like a smokin' devil in the black long dress I bought last week. You ought to try it out, right NOW! Cmon let's goo! No time to waste!!"

With that, she grabbed my wrist and ran like a mad woman towards her room. "Alrighty, but please slow down Ken." I said in between my giggles and panting. After what felt like an eternity, we finally reached her room, exhausted from running too fast. My heart was basically trying to get out of my rib cage. "Huff... That was somewhat like a marathon, don't you think el?" is she joking? A marathon?? "Are you kidding? It wasn't just a marathon but a freakin' race baby. Just show me that freaking dress and I'm so freaking out of this freaking room."

"You just sounded like a complete loser. You can't handle that simple race? Then you aren't a Zaar baby. Come here, let me help you with your dress." seriously? Zaar? I'm not a zaar. Well, physically yes but mentally not. Also, I'm half Zaar half human, considering the fact that my father was a human. I'm not even performing any of those rituals considered noble by my family. I believe it's heartbreaking to watch them stuff black, thick, gross blood into the tiny mouths of human beings and chant spells that make them scream in pain and agony. And the excuse they come up with is totally ridiculous. They say it helps them increase their powers. how cruel!

I personally hate Zaars. I even hate myself for being one. My train of thought got interrupted by Ken's continuous groaning and muttering. "What's wrong Ken?" I couldn't help but laugh at her miserable condition. She was covered from head to toe by clothes of all sorts and sizes. To me, it looked like a wardrobe tsunami. "I just can't find the freakin' dress from my stupid wardrobe. Can you pleassee help me out with this chaos?" her eyes practically begged for my help. "Okay fine." I was making my way towards Ken when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Go answer the door. I'll manage this." Ken started picking up all the clothes and placed them on the bed. I went downstairs to check upon the visitor. Who could it be? At this hour? Everyone is out to attend a ritual at my aunt's place. They invited me to join them, but obviously, I said no. I swiftly made my way towards the door and slowly opened it. A man in his 40s stood outside with a small package in his hands. "Where is the master?" he asked roughly. "I'm sorry but pa went out to attend a ritual. What is it?"

"That's none of your concern. Just make sure you give this to your pa when he returns. And NO one else other than him should open this. Am I clear?" He asked in a voice full of rage. This man's angry for no apparent reason. "Y-yes." I was stuttering, again. It's a habit of mine, whenever I get nervous or anxious.

With that he turned on his heels and disappeared into the darkness. I stared at the heavy box in my hand. What could be so important in this box that shouldn't be seen by anyone else? Should I open it? Come what may, I'll just take a peek and then close it. Or should I take it to Ken? Oh God I'm so confused. Curiosity got the better of me as I slowly opened the box to get a better picture.

Wait... What?


What's going to happen next? Wait until my next update 😉

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