Chapter 8 | turn of events

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It's here! The update! Grayson at the top 👆

Gray's P.O.V 💚

Jay looked at me with pure horror. "What in the world?! Why would he do this?? What does he want? He's more powerful than Elena by all means and I don't see any reason as to why he should approach her."

I've been thinking the same. Elena is considered as the weakest of supernaturals, but Acheron only aims the powerful ones. He says there's no fun without competition, but this decision of his has completely flipped the plate.

"Me too. But we know him well, don't we? He would never choose her without a reason."

She let out a deep breath and looked down, as if in some deep trance. "We still can't conclude anything regarding Elena. Not yet. We don't know anything regarding her zows, if she has any."

That's when something clicked inside my brain. Cynthia! She can help us find Elena's inner abilities!

"Get up. There's someone worth visiting." I tugged Jay's arm as she sprang from her seat.



She furrowed her eyebrows in an effort to hide the mysterious glint in her eyes. "Isn't she the powerful Zaar your Pa's fond of? Why are we seeing her?"

My smirk wasn't helping her mind form any possibilities. I guided her towards my brand new Ferrari. "You'll see."

We drove in silence for fifteen minutes until we reached her house. "We're here." I poked Jay's shoulder in order to wake her up from her slumber. She yawned and stretched her hands while looking around the place. Her eyes widened the minute she laid her eyes on the beautiful mansion ahead. The place was of course remarkable. Just like her name suggests, Cynthia is a person fond of nature. She has her own preserved forest where she keeps all her beautiful rare plants.

Jay stood thoughtfully for a while and then looked at me like a child who just found her candy. "You want Elena's abilities revealed. Is that why we're here?"

"Took you a bit to process."

"So what? I did come to the right conclusion, didn't I?" her grin grew wider and reached to the extent where I thought she was possessed.

I shook my head and led her towards the mansion. Mansion is just an understatement. It's more like a huge palace. The place looks as if it was carved straight out of stone. The humongous rooftops helped increase its glory.

We walked until we reached the front door and knocked. An old lady of about 60 years opened the door and greeted us.

"Hello Ma'am, we come from zaarut an-

I was cut off by her words, "Ah yes, please do come in." The warmth radiating off her was strangely familiar. I shrugged it off and proceeded into the main hall of the building. Jay gawked at how large the hall was. I chuckled and slightly squeezed her hand in order to bring her back to reality. It thankfully seemed to work.

We were led into what looked like a library. To say it was large would be an understatement. Comparing to the gigantic mansion, this room seemed somewhat tiny. I wondered why she needed this much space. Sigh... women.

My train of thoughts were cut short by the sweet warm voice that welcomed us.

"Come in, come in. Ah Jaycee, didn't quite expect you here. Anyways glad to meet you in person. Gray has spoken very high of you." Her kind words brought blush on Jay's cheeks.

"Seems like you haven't forgotten mom." I replied while nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

The skeptical look Jay gave me forced me to explain further. "Ah, totally forgot about it. Jaycee, meet Cynthia aka my second mother. I come here frequently and that's how I got close enough to call her mom, if you didn't know."

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