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Your P

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Your P.O.V

As they arrested Principle Hogarth for having alien weapons in our gym rooms behind our basketball hoops, I stood beside Ryan. "So, this is it", I smiled. "Uhh actually, I was hoping you might come with..us ...for coffee later?", he stuttered. I turned my head and saw the beautiful woman smile at me with a small grin. I turned around to Ryan, trying to shake those thoughts out of my head. "Uh yeah sure", I smiled.

The Doctor's P.O.V

She was entrancing. Every inch of my being gravitated towards her in a way I couldnt explain. In a way that was stronger than River. I was still figuring things out but I knew I liked her. So when Ryan strode back over to us all giddy and happy, my hearts fell. "Good news mate?", Graham smiled. "Well..well I buckled and asked her to come out with us instead of me", he sighed. "But she still said yeah", he smiled. "Goofball", I put on a fake smile. "So where and when?", I asked. "Café, and at 7. Yaz said she's a coffee enthusiast", he beamed. "Ah. A woman after my own hearts", I spoke. I watched her gather the children and tell them to go get their coats and bags. It had taken longer than expected to find the source of the Artron energy, but without the young teacher I doubt we would've found it at all. There was something really fascinating about her. The way her hair cascaded on her shoulders in silky locks. The way her Y/C eyes lit up in excitement when she finally found out that Hogarth's weapons were the source of the Artron energy. The way she smiled when I told her about her lab coat. Honestly, not my best moment but still. She seemed to be a dream girl. And I did really like it.

Your P.O.V

I got into my car and drove home, pacing myself to get ready and look good in time for going to get coffee. It was just coffee so I was just going to do make up, fix my hair and put on jeans and a hoodie. I couldnt get that girl's face out of my mind. She was gorgeous. And she seemed so strange, so bubbly and warm, but I also got the impression she was quite wise and smart; I believed she knew exactly what she was talking about. She gave off quite a strange vibe. I could sense she'd been through a lot, both with no one beside her and with people beside her. She'd seen the unknown, the unlikable, the unfavourable. She'd saved the unsaveable. Helped people when it seemed that all hope had fled to the deepest darkest parts of the ocean. She'd travelled the world-no- the universe and done incredible things with incredible people. She'd been across Rivers and..lakes was it? No not lakes. Ponds. But jeez oh. I have no idea how I managed to obtain that much knowledge about her. Just through her smile. I felt...connected with her. Somehow.

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