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Your P

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Your P.O.V

"I'm sorry about Tammy. She has no filter sometimes", I laughed as we walked into the TARDIS. I boosted myself up and sat on top of the railings again. It was my place. Had been for the four months I had been travelling with The Doctor. "Its alright", she smiled. "Are you okay Doc? You seem to be hiding something from me?", I asked confused. "Where on Akhaten did you get that idea from?", she scoffed smiling. "I dont know I can just tell", I nodded. She walked over to me. "I've met someone", she smiled. Course she had. Stupid Y/N; not saying anything earlier.

"That's great!", I smiled a fake smile. "Who are they?", I gulped smiling. I felt her hands hesitantly sit on my thighs as she got closer to me. Everything was silent as I felt her lips carefully capture mine. It was everything I wanted.

Her lips slowly moved against mine as I moved my hands to cradle the back of her head. We pulled apart and rested our foreheads against each other. "Hmm not bad for my first kiss as a girl", she laughed. I smiled with a laugh. "Most definitely not bad", I kissed her again. This time her hands moved up to my waist to hold the back of my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She hummed in satisfaction as I pulled away looking at her, she still had her eyes closed contentedly.

"I have to go right now. Before Tammy gets suspicious", I smiled. "Och really?", she frowned. "Really. I'll see you later", I laughed and hopped down. "Bye", she smiled. "Bye", I closed the door and jogged away. Holy shit. I just kissed the Doctor. My head began to spin as I clutched at it.

"A man called The Doctor. He believes he is the last"

I gasped for breath has Tammy pulled me out of it. "You okay?", her voice asked concerned. "Y..yeah", I stood up straight. "What happened?", she asked. "Well..erm.. I kissed The Doctor", I breathed. "Oh you rascal!", she laughed as we started jogging again. "Well she initiated it", I smirked. "And you kissed back", Tammy countered. "I did didn't I?", I smiled. "Good for you I say, Im proud of you Y/N", she smiled. "Dont go getting so cocky--", I was cut off as I heard the woosh of the TARDIS disappearing.

"W-what?", I sighed. "What happened?", Tammy asked, stopping with me. "She just left, without me", I whispered. "She's probably just away a message or something", Tammy tried to reassure me. I knew she wasn't. Something had happened. We'd probably made each other uncomfortable and now she was questioning it. She might be scared. And it's not as if she would actually tell us she is.

She's a closed book. One that I'd hoped I might get the chance to read, but at every page I turned, she slammed it closed and locked it back at the start again. I enjoyed getting to know the Doctor. And I thought she enjoyed getting to know me? So why the hell did she up and leave so quick?


Sorry for not having updated in so long, I was really busy this year with my exams and uni prep, but I hope to get this book back up and running! Thank you!

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