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4 months later

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4 months later...

Your P.O.V

"Well that was certainly...interesting", I slid down the door of the TARDIS out of breath. The Doctor sat beside me, exhausted too. "That was really rough", Yaz sighed. "Who knew alien badgers were so aggressive?", Graham panted. "Oh I'll get you some water", I stood up and walked tiredly to get him water. Cant have him passing out. "Would you bring me a bottle too, love?", her tired voice pleaded. I looked at her in shock. She'd never used my nickname publicly like that. "Sure thing", I smiled as everyone looked at her in disbelief.

The Doctor's P.O.V

Everything was quiet. "What?", I panted. "You just called Y/N 'love' ", Ryan nodded. "Oh I always call her love. Just not when you lot are around", I smiled. "I think The Doctor has a crush too!", Graham said in a sing song voice. "Got some competition Ryan", Yaz smirked. "Pfft no I don't", I scoffed. "I think you do", Graham smiled.

"Do not"
"Do to"
"Do not"
"Do to"
"Do not!"
"Do to!"

"Whats happened?", she walked back in the control center. "Nothing", I sighed. "Okay, here you go then sweetheart", she called me my pet name and gave me the water bottle, then giving Graham one. I let out an involuntary grin as my hearts fluttered. "Thanks love", I smiled. Everyone looked at our exchange smiling. Well, at least, Graham and Yaz did. We smiled brightly at each other as she sat down beside me with a roasting mug of coffee I presume. "Where do you want to go next?", I asked her. "How about we all just camp? Under the stars? Have a break?", she suggested. I nodded. "Sounds good to me", I smiled. "And me", Graham nodded. "Same here", Yaz smiled. "Why not?", Ryan shrugged. "When?", I smiled. "Well I can do it any time but in two months, I have to go home for a while", she nodded. My face visibly and probably noticeably fell. "Wait what why?", I asked. "My parents want to see how Im getting on. They havent seen me in forever. Just for the weekend sweetheart", she nodded. "I have to go home too soon. My nani's birthday", Yaz nodded. "Graham and I have gran's anniversary dinner", Ryan spoke up. "Well where am I going to go?", I frowned. I saw her put down her mug and take my hands. "You can come with me if you want, albeit my parents are a little weird", she smiled. "You must learn. All the best people are Y/N", I smiled. "And I'd love to", I beamed. "O..or you could come with us?", Ryan suggested. "I think she'd much rather go with Y/N mate", Graham patted his back knowingly. Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity alone with her. I didn't get much of those, especially since Ryan had made it clear he liked her. But I think I liked her too. She made my hearts jump. Im still figuring out who I am but I think she's going to be a big part of my life.

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