Part 5- first names

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3rd person

As hinata rushed to school with natsu on his back he recalled the words of his father "remember to get those grades up before I get back or I'll go after natsu next". Hinata shivered at the thought of him hurting natsu, before speeding up his pace to a run, without his bike which he had sold for money on a particularly difficult week when his father wouldn't give him any food or water, he had to get up twice as early so he could sprint to school hoping he would make it to practice on time. With all these thoughts in his mind he had gotten to the gym in the blink of an eye. "where's kageyama?" He said quietly, eventually shrugging his shoulders and walking into the gym after looking around himself for a few seconds.


"HINATA BAKA! WHERE WERE YOU, YOUR 20 MINUTES LATE!" He flinched at the harsh tone before looking up at the clock seeing he indeed was 20 minutes late. "Ehh! Our clock at home must need to be replaced I'll tell father when he gets back from his trip." My voice unintentionally went monotone, luckily the team didn't seem to notice. "Alright... go get dressed" suga seemed unsure of what the smaller was saying, is he catching on? "Ne ne, suga will you toss to me today? I don't want to practice with bakeyama today. He's being meannn" Suga's eyes widened at the bold statement "sure...?" He said it as more of a question than a statement. He smiled happily before turning to bakeyama's flabbergasted face and sticking his tongue out at him and saying "baka baka" and then turning to go into the locker rooms.

Time skip~brought to you by twizzlers cuz they're delicious bitch

He walked out of the locker room cautious with his fresh bandages, careful so they wouldn't scratch to much and reopen his many cuts fuucckk my legs hurt I shouldn't have done s- "hinata!" Suga's voice startled him slightly "ah sorry I have... a lot on my mind today, this weeks been stressful." Suga looked confused and sad by what he said. no, not just suga... everybody but bakeyama had caught on to the small crows sadness even saltyshima I guess I'm not really doing a good job a hiding it this week huh... "really I'm fine though, everything will be better soon" their faces didn't look convinced, not that it was surprising though he was a really bad liar lately. "Can we just practice, it'll make me feel better." Suga's instant response was a yes I've held them off for another day hopefully this practice will go better than the last few and I can meet with oikawa soon he meantally sighed at that

Time skip *end of practice* still hinata

Ugh he finally got outta there, it's not that he hadn't wanted to tell them about the stuff stressing him out but he just couldn't bring himself to do so he ended up saying some dumb excuse about the bills being high which was not technically a lie because the bills were outrageous every month despite the fact that he wasn't allowed to have his light on or shower while his father was there, it still had hurt him immensely to have to keep lying to them. He kept walking thoughtlessly for another couple minutes and out of nowhere it seemed that he was already at the meetup spot "chi- shoyo!" He heard a voice call from behind him, turning to see a cheery oikawa grinning like an idiot holding a new style dark blue flip-phone "I thought you said it was your old one?" I inquired "ummmm... well I just got a new one from my brother who got a good 2 for something phone deal and I figured you could just have this one!" He practically shoved it into my hands before taking out an identical dark red version of 'his new phone' and saying "oooooo twinsiiieeessss!" He made a face like he was gonna punch him and oikawa physically shuddered "be careful there shoyo do that to much and you'll have a permanent iwa-chan face" he busted out laughing at that "so *huff* mean!" He said between laughs but oikawa just made a puffy face and took his new phone opening both phones for a quick second before telling hinata about it a little bit and showing hinata's phone number to him before exchanging numbers.

"Ne shoyo now that were done setting up our stuff how about we chat a bit before you have to head back." He was shocked to see oikawa still wanted to talk to him "umm... well it is friday and my dads not home so if it's not an inconvenience you could always stay the night with me and my sister..."

Cliffhanger. Sorry I haven't updated in what felt probably like years I just needed some time... some stuff happened and my aunt was injured in a car crash and then like a week later my grandfather died from a stroke and after that my mind went to a regrettable place and I did some regrettable things... to myself. But the important thing right now is that I'm feeling a little bit better and wanted to let you guys know that I'm safe    😘have a sweet day lovlies😘
I'll be updating more often, and I'll keep you updated on my life to, if you care lol.

Broken Wings (Depressed Hinata X Oikawa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora