Part 10- breakfast and his mom

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waking to find himself entangled in a pair of legs that were not his own, he almost got up then remembered that it was probably oikawa seeing as he practically made him spoon him last night. The crow was fully awake but didn't really want to get up seeing as he was very comfortable in his current position. (😉😉) Oikawa's hand was on my stomach gripping my hand tightly and his head nuzzled in the crook of shoyo's neck his shallow breathing tickling the boy slightly but not bothering him, he was content. He was very happy, that is until he looked up and saw a woman with oikawas dashing looks staring at him from across the room. "Eeekkk!" He let out before covering his mouth, slowly releasing oikawas hand and getting up. He stretched and heard several satisfying pops from his joints before looking back to the woman and holding out his hand to shake hers.


He woke to the smell of what he had hoped was waffles. He sat up slowly and reached for his toes becoming immensely satisfied when he heard his back crack. He then looked up and noticed he was the only one in the room. Getting up with a frown and stalking out of his bedroom, hearing lots of giggles from the kitchen. Reaching the dining table he realized that apparently his mom had arrived home and was getting along quite nicely with Hinata who happened to be cooking breakfast with her.

"Mamma is that blueberry waffles I smell?" She turned and gave me a smirk while nodding "and chocolate ones too!" Hinata added enthusiastically. He smiled at his happiness he deserves quite a bit of it after all that he has been through he thought. Iwaizumi was sitting content at the table with a young natsu in his lap who looked just about ready to explode. "Good morning princess", he walked towards her and planted a kiss on her curly redish orange locks. "G'mornin kawa" she replied excitedly. He then walked over to his mom and hugged her tight "welcome home" she squeezed back lightly "I'm home" she said.

"have you been eating right? You seem skinnier than the last time I was home? Your not doing that thing again right?" He laughed bitter thanks Mom that was totally something I wanted to share he thought gruffly "nope don't worry I won't relapse." Hinata looked at him with worry, he walked over to him "it's fine I'll explain later if you want" he hugged the smaller close to him and Mom looked at the two suspiciously for a second before smirking at him and returning to her waffle making duties. Shoyo looked up at me smiling, he blushed a bit and let go so cute... He walked over to the fridge and grabbed out a brand new jug of apple cider(yum🤤🤤) before pouring a glass and downing half of it walking over to shoyo and giving the rest to him, he tried it and his face lit up "yum!! What is this it's so good!" Confusion took over me "you've never had apple cider?!" He scrunched up his face "no is there something wrong with that?" He said before turning his nose up and sticking his tongue out at me. He let out a chuckle before running his hand up and down hinata's back in a comforting gesture and shaking his head "of course not." He smiled happily "well don't just stand there grab some waffles!" Mom said giving me a harsh glare that internally said to eat at least two I know she's worried but I'm fine really.

He shook his head with a smile on his face and grabbed a plate a blueberry waffle and a chocolate one then grabbing the blueberry syrup out of the fridge and going to sit down. Shoyo appeared next to him with his own plate and two cups of apple cider. "So from the description that's come from my son many times I assume that your shoyo?" He blushed and hinata looked at him with a blush of his own before looking back to my mom and saying "um yes I'm hinata shoyo and this is my little sister natsu." He said pointing to himself and then his sister. My mom smiled warmly giving him a hug and saying how glad she was to finally meet him, he blushed even harder. What a great morning.

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