Part 8-midnight escape

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  When he was finally calm enough to talk he shared what happened to mom when he and natsu were kids, and some of the exceedingly tough things they'd had to deal with up till now. "Shoyo! You need to tell somebody, somebody who can do something, your father can't just get away with murder!" He looked down knowing the elder was right. "but I just... i can't! the fear i have for him is massive I know there's a high chance he'll go to jail for my abuse but he framed someone else for mom's death, what if they only send him away for a couple years, what would happen when he gets out? He'd murder me!" He trembled just thinking about it. "Let's just go to sleep, this is to much to handle right now, let's talk in the morning. Natsu you sleep on my bed okay hunny?" I kissed her forehead before picking her up and laying her on my bed. He walked over to the big pile of blankets "hey can you guys hel"-*door slamming* "shouuuuuuyoouuuuu I'm home early! Get your lazy ass down here now I brought some friends who need entertainment." His eyes went wide "fuck... o-oikawa grab natsu go out the window right now!" He whisper yelled locking his door "you too iwaizumi, go!" He grabbed the back pack quickly shoving the remainder of his money in it along with our snacks and drinks "shoyo! Get your ass down here or do you want even more punishment then last time, I know your up there I can here you scurrying around!" Damn it I have to stay "I h-have to stay here, I'll distract him, send your adress I'll run over when they're done" he said it in a rushed tone before shoving them out the window and shutting it. "Shoyo! Just come with us!" He shook my head "I can't he knows I'm here and he'll just call the police if were all gone." He breathed in deeply before opening my door and heading downstairs.

Time skip(still hinata)

(Slightly graphic description of rape, it's just him washing up but skip this paragraph if you're uncomfortable with it)

"Ha! finally able to let out that pent up frustration! We'll be heading back out now, probably won't be home till next week" he said kicking the smaller in the temple once more for good measure before slamming the door behind him, making the boy flinch. He sat there crying in a disgusting puddle of what he assumed was semen and blood on the floor wondering what it would be like if he could just end it. "I can't. Not yet." He ended the thought as quickly as it had started. Struggling to get up he crawled over to the stairs grabbing the railing before forcing himself to his unsteady feet, feeling the sticky substance run down his thighs  d-dont think about it, it's j-just sweat he walked up the stairs one by one picking up his dropped phone along the way not even bothering to check the messages and phone calls making his way to the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind him. He looked in the mirror shuddering at his disgusting appearance. Kiss Mark's littered his body along with multiple bruises everywhere you looked, and if you looked at his sides carefully enough you could see the developing handprints. His face looked disgusting caked in blood from the hit his head took as his father smacked him into the counter and semen from when his father's best friend fucked his throat. Turning quickly so he wouldn't have to look at his ugly self anymore and relive the memories, he walked over to the shower using the counter as support "fuck, my back hurts so much." He turned the shower on the hottest setting before getting in and hissing at the pain. He picked up the sponge spreading soap on it before scrubbing everywhere he could possibly reach dreading the next part of this cleaning.

(Description over)

Skip to end of shower

He hates everything. "Why is their house more than a mile away" he started the commute looking down at his outfit. There was bruises and kiss marks everywhere so he ended up wearing a maroon turtleneck and black leggings, both had beed grabbed from his moms old closet.

Time skip to oikawa house(still hinata)

As he neared where he was supposed to be hinata called him, oikawa answering right away "I'm almost there, stand outside so I can find you" his voice sounded rough, he saw oikawa rush out of his house with natsu on his back looking around, running to hinata once he spotted him.

Alright so I couldn't really figure out what to do with this chapter I rewrote it like 9 times but eventually came to this. Originally I had wanted all of them to escape, but for purposes later in the story I went with this. Sorry for torturing you guys, but you will be redeemed soon.😋


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