what would you do?

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So what would you do if someone you really loved stopped talking to you for 5 months? Would you cry? Would you break up? Would you yell at them? But that's not what I'm here to talk about.

I'm here to talk about what I did because yes, it's happened to me twice.  1.by my Ex Girlfriend.  And 2.by my Boyfriend

I don't know if he still loves me but I doubt it because he could text my best friend and ignore my cries for his attention. But I get if someone is busy. Just tell me your busy and I get it I'm ok with it. But if you just say you won't be able to talk after one message makes me think oh ok your gonna be gone for a week and come back.  But not for 5 months and then have me fucking worried if your hurt, dead, broke your phone, lost, no Wi-Fi, or even worse. And that shit scares me because if I say that I love you and then you leave me hanging like that it gets me fucking scared and the person I'm writing about knows who they are and I want them to know it hurts so fucking much to see that your online and ignore me....  "What did I do wrong? Am I good enough for you? I already know I'm fucking ugly so what did I do to make you leave? Do you even still love me? Are you okay, is everything okay? Why won't you talk to me? " These are questions I ask my self everyday and no one cares.
Welp that's my life comment something I should fix or write if anyone reads this depressing shit

Words: 293

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