The Real Me But Not Really Me

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So I've been getting a lot of shit on me about how I've changed and how I'm not the sweet innocent little girl they used to know.... But I'm just trying to deal with depression, doctors, anxiety, hate, sexuality, gender, bullies, anger issues, heartbreak, pain, insecurity ,fake people, social anxiety,im socially awkward,thinking about wishes that will never come true and shit like that.... But what they say is "I don't have depression, I don't have anxiety, I don't need doctors, I don't have dyslexia, I'm not in pain.... But to them I'm a social butterfly, I'm perfectly fine, I'm a princess, I'm straight, I'm only saying I'm bisexual because I wanna copy my Gay brother and I'm only saying I'm both genders to fit in with my online friends.... , Meanwhile they know nothing about me... They still think I "love" The color pink and that I'm going through a faze even though I'm not..... But they won't listen.... They don't care.... They yell at me.... They rush me.... They tell me that I'm pretending..... They think I'm lying.... They won't listen and it hurts me and also spikes up my anxiety, depression and my insecurity .......and to make them happy I just shit up and act the way they want me to..... I pretend to act like a princess even though it's killing me inside..... But everything is perfectly fine with me...... That's what they say.......

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