Being around people

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I'm no good around people and talking to them so its kinda why i'm so anti social an not that good with emotions. If i'm being honest i hate having emotions and when i'm still figuring them out and people in my school keep "trying to help" me but their only making it worse by asking questions i cant answer and it fucking sucks dude. Because i'm trying to fucking calm down the their crowding me and getting mad because in have my headphones in because it fucking helps me calm down and breathe normally and not explode or get an even worse anxiety attack and to me that's fucked up and January 7,2019 is a good fucking example .My fucking teacher yelled at me because i had my headphone in, meanwhile i'm trying to fucking do my work and focus on what i had to do but no the fucking math teacher wants to be a big bitch and threaten me by saying that shes gonna call my mother if i don't take them out because "its school rules"  i fucking hope that big bitch gets fired .I fucking hate her with a burning passion ,oooh bitch i loathe her right fucking now like excuse you bitch 1. You are not my fucking mother 2. I'm allowed to have my headphones in because of my stress,anxiety,and paranoia .So don't tell me i cant have my headphones in without knowing the fucking reason i have them in . The bad part is that i'm a respectful person and i don't want adults to get mad at me or possibly hate me for what i say when i'm trying to back myself up. And yes i went way off track but hey i just got a little mad remembering what happened .

well anyways i'm ending that here so night.

I bid you fair well Knights and Duchesses of the internet~

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