Fake People

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One thing I'm gonna say is that I hate people who are fucking fake. If your fake get away from me. And yes I'm gonna call someone out in this damn book, because I hate it when people talk to and complain and not confront me about my wrongs and what I'm doing. But they go to people who do nothing and it makes me feel hurt because I want them to confront me on what I'm doing wrong because I have anger issues and I'm bipolar, I'm loud, I speak my damn mind, and I don't like yelling. And then those same people say that I make them suicidal when all I'm doing is saying the truth to them not telling lies like a fake bitch would. I tell the truth and I never lie about things that I see wrong or right. I'm a good person and the only thing people see is my problems and yelling. They don't see that I wanna help. They don't understand my thinking. And it hurts when they end up hating me and I'm suffering because all I wanted to do was help and be a good friend and it fucking hurts.

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