What Happened

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So I've almost gotten into fights with most of my class probably maybe all of them. I don't even know but I have cried during a argument with one of my best friends but only because they were saying shit that was mad sensitive to me and yeah sure I get protective over it and I will fucking fight back. Because he attack my gender,  and my sexuality, and I'm just like what kind of friend does that when they know that I'm going through problems accepting myself and being ok with my sexuality and shit. But no he has to say that "he has nothing to worry about because he's not gay and how he's not a faggot and people love him because he stays in his gender lane because there's only two genders and you are only one" And I swear to God that I was going to stab his fucking eye with my pencil... But you want to know something... I didn't because I had to go to the Deans office and almost get detention for cursing during a lesson and punching the table.... I also had to go to the nurse for my swollen knuckles.... But guess what guys... He didn't stop there... He came after my family and I got a anxiety attack because "Nicholas"(yes I called him out and said his name) Wants to be all big and bad.  He keeps going until I snapped and punched his back when my friends weren't looking and ran back to my ELA  teachers room crying and she helped me calm down and this was all Monday November 19th.

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