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People around me are like "Respect your mother and family" Or " Respect elderly "  Why when they don't respect me or care enough to not make me feel worthless. My mom says "be nice to your sister and stop being a bitch to her" But it's never her doing anything wrong she's the baby she's the golden child everyone cares about her and not you and that's what makes me want to die... I want to just kill myself so everyone around me can be happy and I want be a bother. But no I don't suffer from depression I don't try and cut I don't cry myself to sleep.... I'm just making it all up just for attention.... 😂😂😂😂😂 people make me laugh they don't believe me yet they tell me to believe.. In what there's no god to save me I'm already going to hell shit I even like demons and shit like that but no I'm the crazy one

Anyways ima stop bothering you guys and take a nap. Night

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