all might ....

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Kawaii~chan and Izuku sat on the beach. There was a small part of the beach that was trash free, and Izuku enjoyed the beautiful view of the ocean. They spent most of their time there. It became their hideout, where they hid. To them, nothing could hurt them there. Kawaii~chan didn't have to worry about who she was, and Izuku never had to worry about his supposed quirklessness. 

Using what was available to two 10-year-olds, they made it their own. The path to it was mostly hidden, and the spot itself couldn't be seen from the boardwalk. Kawaii~chan herself brought most of the personal items.

"Hey, Izuku-senpai!" The green haired-boy turned his attention to the catgirl, who had a grin on her face. He gave her the silent okay to speak. "Kawaii~chan added something new. Come on!" 

Kawaii~chan grabbed his wrist and dragged him. He snorted and allowed himself to be dragged around like a ragdoll. She finally stopped in front of a fridge. He raised a questioning eyebrow. 

"What's this about?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. Kawaii~chan smiled brightly, opening the door with a little more force than was probably necessary. Despite the beat-up look, the inside was actually pretty clean. It was filed with juices and chips and other snacks that didn't actually need refrigeration. 

"Do you like it? Kawaii~chan remembered you saying you were always hungry, so Kawaii~chan used her allowance to get some snacks." Kawaii~chan smiled nervously. Izuku smiled right back. 

"Kawaii~chan… You didn't have to" Izuku said softly. Without much thought, Izuku threw his arms around her. "Thank you!"

Kawaii~chan hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder. Her soft pink hair tickled his cheek. "I just wanted you to be happy. You've seemed pretty down lately." 

Izuku gripped her tighter, a weighing feeling in his gut. "I'm fine. Thank you for trying though" he held her closer. A gentle smile on his face. Kawaii~chan was a wonderful person and an even better friend. And Izuku couldn't have been luckier.


Izuku kicked a rock as he walked. I can't believe he would say something like that! What is wrong with him? Oh, I can't wait to make it eat it!" He muttered angrily. How would Kawaii~chan react? She might call for blood, which was completely valid. She was the only one who knew about his bullying. 

Muttering to himself, he was ignorant to the things around him. Meaning he didn't even notice the sludge-like person coming from to sewers. "Must be my lucky day, a perfect vessel to use!" 

Izuku whipped around to see the weird slime-ish thing. "Nope!" Izuku summoned his wings and launched himself up. It seemed like fate wasn't done fucking with him though, as the slime man (person/creature?) Was able to grab his foot and yanked him closer. "Fuck!" Izuku said incredulously. He quickly put his wings and as his whole body was engulfed. 1.) The served him no help, and 2.) He 'd rather not have slime in his feathers.

"Don't struggle, it'll be over shortly" The villain said. Izuku clawed at the slime, desperately trying to breathe around the sludge that was being violently shoved down his throat. 'Am I seriously going to die like this?' Izuku thought as black crept up the edges of his vision. His lungs burned from lack of oxygen. 'Help me'

A yellow and blue blur flashed through his field of vision. It looked like they were saying something, but he was drowning and he couldn't hear anything as it was muffled. Izuku was bathed in darkness, and he felt himself lose consciousness.


There was a strange feeling Izuku felt as he slowly woke. As he became more conscious, he recognized it as soft slapping. "I don't wanna get up" he groaned, turning away from the source.

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