The ugly truth

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Sweat dripped down his face and soaked his clothes as he pulled at the ropes. What were through ropes tied too? A fucking refrigerator with All Might on it, that's what! He gave another sharp tug, but when it did nothing, he gave in. "Fuck it!"

Izuku flopped, face first, into the sand. Nope, nope, nope. "Come now, young Midoriya!" All might said in a booming voice. 

"There's no way I'm gonna move a fridge, let alone the 600-pound man too!" Midoriya grumbled, half glaring at him. "And why am I doing this?"

"Well for 1, I'm actually 564 pounds. And, young midoriya, your body isn't ready for my quirk."

"Excuse me? But you said I was Worthy?" Midoriya was extremely confused and sad. What was all might going on about?

" I said you are worthy of my power, but your body isn't ready. If you aren't prepared, the power will blow your limbs off." All might said.

"What!" He cried out. Blow his limbs off? Just how powerful is this quirk? Or how weak was he?

"Yes! The next ten months you shall be cleaning of this Beach!" After snapping a picture, he crushed the refrigerator. 

Izuku picked himself from the ground, brushing the sand from his clothes. 'This is gonna be a long 10 months, don't overwork yourself.' Echoed the filmler voice of Irene in his head. 'Yep, got I won't' he thought back.

All Might pulled out a thick packet and handed it to izuku. He stared at the pristine white paper, The American Dream plan, was printed in big, bold lettering. 'Holy shit all might is American confirmed, confirmed!'

"Remember, to get Stronger, a healthy diet and sleeping schedule are key parts." All might boomed. Izuku smiled and nodded firmly. Putting the paper down, he made his resolve. 

"Let's do this," he said with a new found determination. "I won't let you down.' He walked over to another piece of trash and began working again, barely even sparing a glance to the two figures on the opposite side of the beach. If he was gonna be a hero, he was gonna work hard for it!


Kawaii~chan sighed as she placed more food into the basket. She looked up just in time to watch Izuku throw himself to the ground. She silently chuckled at him. Stealing a glance, she saw bakugou sitting on the sand, drinking water. Help would be wonderful, considering he was supposed to be helping her. "Could bakugou-san help kawaii~chan with all this food?" She wiped sweat from her forehead. Crimson orbs glared at her.

"You and shitty deku put all this food here, not me" he snarled. Kawaii~chan frowned slightly, standing her ground. No way was she gonna let him boss her around.

"Why does it matter who put it Here? All might said to clear it out. And would you stop calling izuku~senpai deku! He's clearly not worthless!" She said calmly.

Bakugou gritted his teeth. He crushed the bottle in his hand. Standing, he stalked over to her, glaring down at the cat girl. She crossed her arms and glared right back.

"Listen here you cat freak, No one fucking bosses ME around. I'll talk to deku How-fucking-ever I want! I'm gonna be number 1 regardless of if deku has two fancy quirks!" Sparks flew from his palms. Kawaii~chan growled in frustration. How dare he! Did he honestly think that?

"Oh, boy do I have something to say to you!" She started in a threatening to tone. "Let's start with this, you're gonna be bossed around in your life, so fucking get over your ego. Next, learn some goddamn respect! And finally, you'll never be number 1 like All Might if all you do is put others down and act as a villain!" She panted heavily, keeping her gases locked with his. The blond stepped back, seemingly surprised. She took the chance to continue.

"Don't you feel at least a little regret? He was forced to be quirkless, and instead of being an understanding friend, you bullied him!" She felt the thickness in the air, crushing her and making it hard to breathe. it felt like someone had her lungs in their hands, their grip growing ever tighter. Her voice was heavy as she took another 

"It's a hero's job to protect the weak, to make sure they're okay. Welcome to the real world, the real, sick, filthy world we've been brought into!" Kawaii-chan was actually shedding tears. She had felt so emotional about Izuku's bullying and she was finally letting it all out. Bakugou stared at her with wide eyes, tears just barely there.

"S-shut up, you-" bakugou stumbled over his words. His glare became weak and he turned away from her, shoulders shaking ever so slightly. Golden eyes lingered on his back. 'Take the chance.'

With bated breath, Kawaii~chan stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his torso, lightly resting her head on his back. "Bakugou~san…" she croaked weakly. 'Don't pull away, don't pull away'

"Wha-get off me!" bakugou went rigid under her and he sucked in a quick breath of surprise. She took a deep breath. This was her chance to gain some sort of friendship with the blond, even if it wasn't as strong as her and Izuku

"It's okay to be wrong sometimes, to make a mistake. Crying doesn't mean your weak," Kawaii~chan muttered quietly. Silence enveloped the space around them. Finally, Bakugou turned around to face her, red meeting gold. 

"Thanks, I guess… No one's ever been that real to me before… Just- don't say anything to Deku!" Bakugou's face was dusted a light pink. Kawaii~chan snorted in amusement but agreed nonetheless.

"Whatever Katsu-chan says, but This fridge isn't gonna clean itself." she walked away, ignoring the grumbles of 'I ain't give you permission to use my first name.' Maybe, just maybe, Bakugou was as much as a lost cause as she first thought.


Izuku sighed in relief as he put down the last piece of trash. Damn, if he even had a tiny thought of him being in fit, he was extremely wrong. "Okay, I think that's enough for today, young Midoriya. You did very well." All might gave him a thumbs up in his Skeletor form. Midoriya gave him a half smile. 

"Thanks, small might." Izuku's brain was too fried from working to think about what he just said to the number 1 hero. All might become an interesting color of red at that moment though. He sputtered, blood spraying. 

"S-small might!?" he choked out. Izuku might as well have been in a cartoon with the comical way red seemed to just rise on his face. 'Well than..' Izuku sputtered, flailing his arms desperately. 

"N-no! I-i'm so sorry! It just slipped out! Ididntmeantopleasedontbemad!"All might chuckled, cutting of his rambles. He placed a hand on his head and lightly ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry. You can call me Yagi when we're out in public." Izuku nodded, taking in a deep breath. All mi- Yagi gave him a big smile. "Okay, now that we're done, I think you should go get your friends." izuku leaned to the side to look around him. Kawaii~chan and Bakugou were doing some sort of sparing. 

"Okay, See you later Yagi-san!" with a wave, izuku jogged over to his friends. Once he was close enough, he shouted and waved his arm frantically. The two stopped to look at him. He came to a stop once he was in front of him.

"Hi izuku~senpai, how was training?" Kawaii~chan asked a little breathlessly. 

"As good as training's gonna get," izuku shrugged, but a devilish smile crossed his face. "But I see you two are getting along. I'm almost jealous" 

"Wha-?" Kawaii-chan squeaked, her face becoming a bright pink. Bakugou grumbled. 

"It was nothing, don't make a big deal outta it dumb deku" Bakugou crossed his arms and huffed. Izuku just snorted. 'At least they're somewhat friends'  Irene softly muttered, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. 

"Well," izuku drawled, "if you two are done, I think that's enough training for one day, eh?"

"Yep! Kawaii~chan has to go home now, bye!" Kawaii~chan quickly grabbed her stuff and rushed off the beach, not looking back. 

Bakugou huffed out, glaring at her as she left the beach. Izuku smiled brightly at the blond. "See ya, kacchan. Maybe we can hang out sometime." Bakugou stayed silent as izuku too began to return home.

Quietly, almost a whisper, but just loud enough that the greenett  hear it, bakugou spoke. "See ya, Izuku."

Guardian angel, dekuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang