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Midoriya had a stupid grin on his face as he dug his keys out of his pocket and unlocked his front door. That 'stupid grin' fell when he opened the door, only to be met with his frowning mother. He already knew what this was about and racked his brain to try and find a way outta this 'Fuuuuuuuuuuck my sorry, sorry life!' he thought as she made a head jerk, signal to follower her.

He kicked off his shoes and followed. she lead them to the living room and sat down. Being the smart boy he was, Midoriya sat on the chair on the other side of the coffee table. HA! " Izuku," she said sternly. " Mind telling me why I saw you on T.V today, publicly using your quirk"

"kacchan, he was going to die" he said, staring into his mother's green eyes. They were sharp, but tired. " I had to do something. I've been learning to control this power for years, I can protect myself"

" You know the dangers of your quirk! you are just a little boy, you can't fly away from everyone who tries to hurt you." she sounded upset and Midoriya hated the fact he was the reason for that, but why couldn't she understand he was going to be a hero, and To do that he needed his quirk? " I know Katsuki was your friend since diapers, but he has been so mean to you lately, why would you save him?"

Midoriya stood so fast and suddenly the table in between them shook. " Why would I save him? Because he's my friend! Because that's what heroes do, they save the day, save people in need. Even people who don't deserve it" his shoulders shook with anger as he huffed, tears stinging his eye." I am 14, 15 in a couple months, You said yourself, that when I'm older, I can use my quirk. WELL GUESS WHAT, MOM? I'm older! I'm going to train and work harder than anyone for U.A. And yeah Mom, I'm going to have to tell kawaii-chan and kacchan about my quirk."  tears spilled down his freckled cheeks and he watched as they fell onto the wood floor. When he looked up, his mother was crying as well, hands covering her mouth as her shoulders trembled slightly.

His legs shook as he walked over, falling to his knees and wrapping his arms around his mother's trembling figure, as she sobbed." I'm sorry izuku. I'm so sorry" he buried his head in her hair and she cried into his chest. closed his eyes, and couldn't help but think, this felt so much that night, long ago, when he was quirkless.

Midoriya sat on his bed, at to-fcuking-early-to-be-up o'clock, typing away on his phone. He was positive all might was A.)asleep or B.) doing literally anything but using his phone, but Midoriya decided it was best to be this at night-er actually, morning, so he'd at least see it while he was in school. after finishing the waaaaaaaaaay to long text message he hit send, made sure he actually hit send(because something bad DID NOT happen because he didn't actually hit the fucking send button)and turned off his phone. he flopped back onto his bed and pulled his covers up. in a matter of seconds, he was asleep, missing the text he received at 3:33am.

Izuku m.

hi All Might! I probably should have texted you sooner but didn't so I'll text you now! I have something important to tell you. I know how you said that ofa must be kept a secret from everyone, but I have something to tell to. tomorrow after school I have to tell 2 people. my best friend, Kawaii-chan, and that boy I saved yesterday. I'm sorry but I have to! >n< . Kawaii-chan because she'd be able to tell if I'm lying, and I'm going to tell her about my angle quirk, same goes for kacchan. I've known him since before I could talk. If anyone deserves to know, it's these two. I'm sorry, but I have to. goodnight


all might

young Midoriya, I appreciate you telling me beforehand. I understand your predicament. if you trust them, I trust them.

good night, my boy.

Midoriya dragged his tired Body through the school Gates, trying to think of a good way to avoid attention from his classmates. it seems everyone seen that news clip. Bakugou's mom even called last night wondering what happened, and about Midoriya's new quirk. It was almost funny that he, the body with a quirk villain's would kill to have, was going to receive another secretive quirk. He groaned as he pushed the door to his class open. He didn't know wether to be surprised or annoyed that no one even batted an eye as he walked to his seat. Old habits die hard, huh? he thought, taking out his notebook and pen as their teacher walked in to start the lesson. Normally, Midoriya loved how fast the school day seemed to go, but considering he had the face to people demanding answers, he'd rather say in class a little longer. But when the last bell rang, and the teacher left, all he could do was silently curse, as Bakugou was at his desk in seconds, looking down right pissed. " I better get some fucking answers, deku. Right-fuckig-now. I gave you a full day" he barked, grabbing the attention of a few others. Midoriya, infact, could not hold back his rising levels of sassy on this fine Tuesday afternoon.

" First of all, can you, like, wait 2 seconds for me to even put my fucking pencil down?" Midoriya could hear students gasp and Bakugou's surprised face was priceless. Oh, how he wishes he could snap a photo. " second, you actually didn't give me a full day, I still have 40 minutes. Which is just enough time for me to pack up, change, and head to meet our guest. So ka-chan, no, I will not give you some answers, Right now." Midoriya felt like his face was gonna rip with how wide he was grinning. Bakugou just stared, wide-eyed at the freckled boy before just turning around and going back to his seat.

Midoriya closed his eyes for a second and willed the smile off his face. He then proceeded to pack his things. He stood up, and Bakugou came over to him, grumbling under his breath. Midoriya rolled his eyes at Bakugou's display of childishness, and they both left the class.

Once they were off of school grounds, Midoriya began to laugh at their classmates confused faces. " What the fuck is so funny, deku" Bakugou's snarled, looking annoyed as ever

" Well, for one, the surprised look you gave me earlier," insert sputtering Bakugou here " and the look on our classmates" Bakugou showed his rare, small closed lip smile. And good, how he missed days like these where him and Bakugou would play together and take long walks in the forest. they eventually made it to his house and he quickly ran inside to change into a pair of jeans, a black tank top, and a Aaron themed hoodie. He heard his mother say good luck as he ran out the door.

Bakugou made a face at him, he guessed he did dress allot differently then people would think. He pulled out his phone and wasn't even surprised to see the amount of texts from kawaii~chan. He quickly typed to meet at the beach. He then pulled up another contact.

Izuku m.

Hi! If it's not to much trouble, can u meet me and my friends at the beach, the one covered in trash. I feel they'll understand better if you tell them. O^O. Tell me soon!

He then pocketed the cellphone and continued the quiet walk. When they arrive at the beach, bakugou was extremely confused, or that's what Midoriya thought. " What the hell is this?" He growled, grabbing Midoriya's Callor. " What the fuck you tryna pull, deku?"

" Hey!" came a high pitched shout, and Midoriya turned to see a familiar pink haired girl walking towards them " Let him go" she walked up to the both of them and roughly pushed Bakugou away from Midoriya. she glared at the blond as he returned to stare.

" Who the fuck do you think you are, cat face!" Bakugou snarled, tiny Sparks popping from his Palm's. Midoriya sighed and checked to new message he got from all might. it was a short, simply response, telling him he was on his way. He smiled and put his phone away once again to try and stop the fight that was inevitably going to happen.

" It doesn't matter who I am. You are messing with my friend, and I'd appreciate if you just left him alone" kawaii-chan growled in response, roughly Grabbing his arm. Midoriya was now aware of her rising anger level, and his own. Why Couldn't they both just SHUT UP?

" GUYS!" both of them looked at him, Slightly surprised at his Shouting. " Can you guys stop fighting! Both of you, shut up! Kacchan leave her alone, she was only protecting me, and kawaii-chan stop provoking him!" He let out an angered Huff. Neither of them could respond, as this was the first time either of them had ever seen the boy so upset.

Midoriya took a deep breath, calming himself. " I need you guys to listen to me, and what you hear today is not to be told to anyone outside of the people involved, okay"

Bakugou seemed to get over his shook first, and looked absolutely puzzled. " The people involved? Who are these people?"

" HAHAHA" came a booming laughter. A large, muscular, blond man dropped from the sky and landed next to Midoriya. Bakugou and kawaii-chan gaped at him, and Midoriya couldn't help the smile on his face.

" I'm so glad you could make it, all might! let's go over everything, shall we?"

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