entrance exam

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Midoriya took a deep breath as he approached UA. The entrance exams, after 10 months of working, they were finally here. His hands shook with excitement and fear. Midoriya's breath hitched as he saw the building. It was so much bigger than he ever thought.

He took a step forward. 'Time to take this test and ace it!' Midoriya's foot caught his other one and he was sent flying face first towards the ground. 'Or not'

He shut his eyes, preparing himself for the pain. But it never came. Wait what? His eyes flew open and he noticed he was- Wait was he floating!?

"Sorry" he heard someone giggle to his left. Once his feet were planted firmly on the ground, he turned to meet his savior. It was a short girl with brown hair in a Bob. Her face was round and her cheeks were pink. "I didn't mean to use my quirk on you without asking. But I didn't want you to fall before the test even began!" Midoriya didn't have the chance to respond. "Oh no, the test will start soon!" The Burnett quickly ran off.

Midoriya shook his head and continued walking, eventually making it to the exam hall. His seat was right next to Bakugou's. 'This ought to be interesting '

As the lights in the room dimed, midoriya noticed something he hadn't before. He had an angelic glow to him. It wasn't too bright but just enough to be noticeable. It was quite pretty. Bakugou gave him a look out the corner of his eye. Midoriya decided to focus on the more important things as President Mic entered the room.


Midoriya sighed as he stood in his area. He was honestly just glad to be out of that room. A rude boy with glasses had yelled at him for muttering, and because he chose not to respond, everyone thought he was weak. He got multiple odd looks from the other examine's. Midoriya's eyes landed on the brown haired girl from before. He should probably go over and thank her. As he moved to perform this action, a hand on his shoulder stop.

He turned around and was faced with the boy from before with the glasses. He glanced over to the girl, who was patting her chest and breathing deeply.

"She preparing for the trials ahead. What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances?" He frowned deeply.

"W-what!" Midoriya exclaimed."What would lead to even-" before he could finish, he heard murmurs from the others. He huffed, sending each and every one of them a harsh glare, which seemed to shut them up real quick.

"If you're only here to ruin others chances then you should just leave." That boy walked away before Midoriya could even speak. Midoriya could only grind his teeth in anger. 'That little bi-'

He was interrupted by the loud noise of the doors opening. Without hesitation, midoriya summoned his wings and flew into the city. He couldn't keep the smirk off his face at the other examines surprise. He swooped down and destroyed a few robots just in time to hear President Mic over the intercom

"What are you waiting for? The won't be a go in a real fight"

On cue, everyone else charged in, ready to attack. Midoriya swung his sword at a three-pointer, a smile on his face. "Ten," he said to no one in particular. He went about, either walking or flying. It was strangely funny to see these wannabe hero's scream in surprised fear when he dropped down next to them.

As he was hovering above everyone else, he saw someone. They didn't seem to notice the robot approaching them from behind, as they were already dealing with two more. Without much thought, he swooped down, grabbing her and moving her. He set her gently on the ground a few feet away. "T-thank you" she panted, wiping the sweat from her brow before she attacked all three of them, her acid burning easily through their metal.

After he got about 50 points, midoriya began to feel dizzy and faint. He was forced to retract his wings and sword, leaning against a wall for support. He watched as robots all around him were destroyed.

The ground shook and he steadied himself, look up as if that's where the source was. Midoriya's eyes widen as a giant robot came into view. Looks like the source really was up. Huh. The zero-pointer. "That thing is so big, what the hell? What if someone died? Wait- Move!"

Midoriya barely had enough time to jump out of the way before the robot brought his hand down on the building he was just leaning against. It crumbled to the ground, filling the air with dust and doug. He coughed, standing weakly to his feet. He watched as everyone ran, and he was about to do this same. That was until he saw eerily familiar brown hair.

He felt power rush through his body and he ran towards her. Big white wings appeared, brighter than normal as he launched himself into the air. 'To activate one for all, you must clench your butt cheeks and scream with all your heart!' The voice of All Might played in his head as he reeled back. "SMAAASH"

The robot was knocked back, explosions rocketing it back. Midoriya stared in awe, hovering just a few moments more before he allowed himself to fall back to the ground. His legs felt like jelly underneath him as he landed, wings disappearing immediately. It was only then that he noticed a searing pain in his right arm and looked down. It was purple and blue with bruise and bent at an odd angle. Despite the pain, he wasn't all that worried about himself.

"A-are you okay!?" He turned his head to see the girl from before limping over. He waved in uninjured hand.

"Ah? Oh, no I'm fine but are you okay? Your leg looks hurt. Can I look at it?" The girl gapped, but complied nonetheless, sitting down on top of the broken robot.

"Does it not bother you that your arm is broken? I'm pretty sure my sprain isn't that bad" she shook her head as Midoriya removed her shoe to get a better look, gently holder her ankle. It was purple and twisted in a strange way.

"Oh yeah it hurt, but I want to make sure that you're okay!" He smiled. But both their attention was taken by a bright light from midoriya's palm. He quickly let go and backed up, eyes wide. Her ankle was no longer purple, and it was back to its natural poison. She gasped, standing up with zero pain.

Her mouth began moving as if she was talking, but midoriya couldn't hear her. His eyes rolled back and he felt himself sway to the left, falling to the ground. His eyes fell shut and he passed out.


Midoriya groggily woke up, opening his eyes. He was lying in his bead, a warm rag on his forehead. He pushed himself into a sitting position, looking around. Midoriya slipped out of bed, lightly running his hand down the wall for support. When he entered his kitchen, he saw inko and Hisashi.

"Oh dear! You're finally awake! You've been asleep for a few hours now!" We were starting to get worried" inko gasped upon noticing him. He nodded.

"I..... I think I'll get a bit more sleep." He muttered tiredly, rubbing his eyes. His mother nodded and he immediately went back to his room. He felt his chest and was happy to find he wasn't in his binder. Midoriya flopped onto his bed, curling up in the covers and falling asleep.

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