i promise i'll be there

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I am so done with this chapter. I felt like I could've done so much better, but I've just been putting this off for so long and I just took 30 minutes out of today to put this together but it's so bad and I'm so sorry.

Inko sat in the living room, working on the bill she had to pay. As she was about fall asleep, the phone rang. She jump up from her half asleep state and, with her quirk, brought the phone to herself.


" Mrs Midoriya speaking, how may I help you?"

" Evening Inko. I love how formal you have become."

" Hisashi?"

" Inko, we speak in words, not names, silly bunny."

" H-hey! it's just been so long!"

" I know, I'm just so busy with work. it feels like I barely have time to sleep!"

" I know how you feel, the hospital is very busy."

" But hey! guess what? I got a whole month of to come visit you and izuki!"

" Really? A month? When you be coming- wait… You're outside, aren't you?"

" Maybe~"


With a sigh, Inko tossed the phone to the other chair and stood. She walked through the hall and glanced at the clock handing on the wall. 4:29am. She grabbed the door handle and opened it. Standing outside her home was a man with unruly back hair, freckled skin, and Crystal blue eyes. He smiled at her sheepishly

" Good morning, Inko" the man, named hisashi Midoriya, said.

" I want to be mad at but..." Inko mumbled, voice so low, hisashi almost didn't hear her. " I've just missed you so much." she threw her arms around him as a watery smile flashed across her face. Strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her off the ground.

He kicked off his shoes as they walked into the house, dropping the bags by the kitchen and plopping themselves onto the couch. Inko smiled at him as he stretched.

" It's been years since we've last saw each other." inko grind, sinking into the couch

"Honesty, being a undercover hero is probably the hardest type of hero you could be. That was the hardest case i've ever had." He smiled, enjoying the peace that was the midoriya household. Inko nodded.

" Where is Laurence?" Hisashi had adopted Laurence a few years back in one of his cases, he was subjected to a lot of human experiments.

" He wanted to stay with his friends for a little bit, his plane should arrive tomorrow." Into nodded. Happy just to have have her husband around after 10 years of cases back to back. " Anyways, how has our izuki been doing? School, did she ever get her quirk?"

Inko grimaced at the use of 'izuki' and 'she'

"Well, izuki decided to become a trans boy." Hisashi blinked at her in surprise as she continued. " Its now Izuku and please use him/his pronouns. " She held her breath, hoping that Hisashi loved izuku the way he was.

Hisashi smiled brightly, nodding. Inko could see he was holding back tears and laughed softly. " I guess i got two sons now, huh?" She shook her head at his crazy antics as he began to mumble.

"And to answer your other question," She interrupted " Yes, izuku developed his quirk. It's a angle quirk actually" she said proundy. To her surprise, hisashi jumped up, taking her in his arms and spinning them around.

"Thank you Inko, You've made me the happiest man alive today" he smiled brightly at her and she smiled back. He set her down as they continued to talk. Anything that can to mind they shared until they both passed out.


Midoriya woke up to slightly soreness in his chest. He groaned as he rolled out of bed. He knew he wasn't gonna be able to wear his binder today, so he grabbed a few sports bras and hoped it would work enough. Grabbing his uniform, Midoriya walked into the bathroom and took a shower. While in the shower, the smell of pancakes filled the house. Midoriya smiled as he got dressed and walked into the kitchen. What he did not expect to see was his father standing there with his mother laughing as they both made breakfast together.

"What…." he muttered under his breath, thought that seemed to be enough to catch their attention. His dad looked to him, with a slight star stuck look before smiling softly at him.

"Good morning, dear. Care to join us for breakfast before school?" he said cheerfully. Midoriya just gaped at him.

"Izuku dear, it's rude to stare. Come sit and we'll explain." Inko said, mosining to the table. Midoriya nodded dumbly and walked over to sit at the table. His parents joined him.

"So, your back?" Midoriya asked shyly, grabbing a fork and stabbing it into his pancakes.

"Yup, I'll be staying here for a month as a cool down from work. Inko and I had a talk and I've made the decision to resign my post in america and move back here permanently. I'll be taking up a job offer in U.A starting next entrance exam." Hisashi finished, smiling proundy.

Midoriya just stared at him. His dad was Coming back to live with them? And he was gonna work at U.A?? It was a relatively calm breakfast, and soon Midoriya left for school. This was gonna be a long 10 months, and then some.

I always thought that there weren't enough fanfics with hisashi in them, and being a good dad that's loves and supposes his family. so I thought, what if we just threw papa Midoriya in there and had a nice family? it'll be much better than this chapter, but trying to write 10 fan-fics at once is so hard and I know I need to chill but I can't help it and every time I get a new idea I wanna write it. I can't promise a steady update schedule untill I get everything under control, and maybe put some of my ao3 stories on hold. I'm sorry and I hope you understand

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