Chapter 1

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I jump out of my bed with sweat running down my forehead. When my feet hit the ground the room is in a whirl of shapes and colours, all pale colours, they are all faded. My legs are weak but I don't know what from. The last thing I remember is being with my boyfriend, Keir.
"Keir!" I call out. I am so uncoordinated I cross my left leg over my right and fall, not sure what's happening. I land and smack the back of my head on the floor and my ears ring and a painful wave rushes through my skull and down my back. I stay there for a minute and collect my scattered thoughts. The tiles are cold on my back and my legs. I look down and realize I'm only wearing one of those stupid paper gowns. Nothing under it. I feel exposed fully knowing that I have something covering me. I crawl to the nearest wall where there is a small opening and press my back against it.
"Calm down." A voice says through the speakers. "I'm Sam, I'll be down in a minute." The male voice explains.
"I'm Byrd, I will be accompanied with Sam." A female voice adds. I stay there for a few minutes tucked between a monitor and the hospital bed. The brick wall is still cold on my back.
"Marina!" I hear as the door swings open and I see Keir, tall, short dark brown hair and tired brown eyes. He rushes over to me and he picks me up and holds me and holds the gown closed.
"Keir!" I say back and bury my face in his chest, his dark green sweater is welcoming but scratchy. "What the hell?" I ask. Two more people entered the room. The woman who is very tall, she is wearing bright red high heels and a black dress with red flowers sown on, her hair is blonde and tied back into a neat bun, I would place her in her mid thirties and a man wearing jeans and a muscle shirt, also mid thirties. "Who the hell?" I finish.

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