Chapter 6

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"Well shit." I say.
"Well shit indeed." Keir agrees.
"Put your hands up." A man says, he is wearing a dark green flannel shirt and jeans with a backpack slung over his left shoulder. He walks closer to us and pats Keir down first and shoved him into the middle of the group. I flinch as to go and follow but I feel a hand slam on my shoulder, "Not you sweetie." He says, I hate being called that. I have the sudden build up of anger from being called that simple term. He pats me down next.
"You too, on the ground." He commands.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"The person who just saved your ass." He replies smiling.
"Last time I checked you're still pointing guns at us." I say as I lay with my stomach flat on the dry dirt. He walks next to my head as I inhale and get a mouth and breath full of dirt and cough.
"Yeah, well you guys are the ones who came out of the bunker." He retorts. I don't know what exactly he means by that. I look to Keir for some sort of answer and he's facing the other way, looking at the rest of the group. The dirt still violently moves around every time he takes a step. A few minutes of silence passes until the sound of gun shots comes ringing from behind, I'm not one-hundred percent sure because of the echos. A body drops in front of me, a woman, gasping for air and desperately turning to try and reach her gun. Her left hand is pressed against her upper stomach, a second rings and she stops moving completely. With every shot fired I flinch, I don't know what to do, or at least I don't remember what to do. I look to Keir and he is already standing on his knee's, slightly crouched.
"Come on!" He says and extends a hand out to me. I take it and get up. We run to a small area of tree's.
"Get back here you bloody idiots!" I hear a woman with a British accent say.

We crouch down behind a fallen tree and watch the last thirty seconds unfold. The group that had their guns aimed at us were all dead on the ground, or dying on the ground. There are people in blue and green uniforms, with guns in their hands. They all gather together and then walk in every direction, with the majority walking towards us.

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