Chapter 14

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Mattea tries to stay quiet, barely letting out tears and holding her breath then breathing in.
"Everything's all good." She says, more reassuring herself than us. Keir panics and looks around the forgotten storage house. There's nothing but rope and traps. An engine starts in the distance as well as people running and one hollering commands. Keir mutters something under his breath, I look at him and he is moving stuff on the shelves. Mattea isn't saying anything or moving. I check her pulse and it's still fast. My knees are warm, I look at the floor which has a pool of blood that had stained her jacket and my jeans. My vision starts to go grey and my stomach starts to turn and my ear start to ring. I can't pass out now. I take a deep breath and Mattea is still unconscious. Keir is at a floor panel and grabs a hold of two handles and pulls up. He searches around and throws rope out until he has a hold of a shovel. Why hell is there a shovel under the floor? He walks over to the door and holds it over his shoulder. When the foot steps approach and the sound of the engine grows louder Keir grips the shovel even more than before. The door is swung open after a couple seconds and Keir hits one with the shovel before being tackled down by two others. Three people approach Mattea and I and I'm still recovering for almost passing out. I hold onto Matteas arm and try my best to stay planted were I am. Two of them pull me up while I still have a hold of Mattea. Not having use of my arms makes trying to get out of their grip that much harder. I kick the one on my left which doesn't do much. I let go of Mattea and if I can get myself out of this there's a chance I can get her out of this too. Before I know it I'm back outside looking from the door to the blood stained snow.

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