Chapter 8

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Throughout the hours of silence and agony I'm left alone with my thoughts once more. No matter what I think there is a constant, nagging voice that keeps asking the same repeating questions, 'Will he actually come back?' 'Is he ok?' 'Did those people get him?', and then there is another category of the nagging thought, the self doubt, 'You're going to die.' 'You broken, you're going to be the death of him.' 'He left you.'. I do my best to keep those voices out of my head. Trying to monitor my thoughts is exhausting, the sun slowly goes down and my vision adjusts but it still makes me feel disadvantaged. There is faint scitters coming from the top and something falls down and lands by my feet. I jump and pain rushes up my leg again. I try to see what it is and it's a damn squirrel.
"Thanks asshole, that hurt." I say to the squirrel. Great, now I'm talking to a squirrel. It tries to get out but it can't climb to wall. "Well I guess we're both stuck down here together." I continue to speak to the squirrel.

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