Chapter 11

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I walked around with Mattea for the rest of our shift with nothing new happening. I got a small shock from my watch which told me that our shift was over. We were met by two more guards, a man and a woman, I think their names are Tagra and Steve. They are nice people, older people, I would put them in their late forties or early fifties, not that they are old, but they are older than Mattea and I with our ages combined. Mattea and I walked through the gate, we parted ways, she went to her family. Mattea is the only one who had her whole family left, she has an older sister and a younger sister and both her mom and dad, she even has her aunt with them. They are all very nice, Misty, her youngest sister is very sweet, I don't know how she's managed to stay that way through all this but it means there's hope. Her oldest sister is the one who ignores everyone, pretends like no one is there, she's not being rude, I just think it's her way of coping. Mattea leaves and I speed up, increasing my stride length to the main building where I'm guessing the mother and son from earlier are. I grip the cool metal and walk in, my face is met with a rush of warm air and the smell of pine. I take off my hat and hang my coat up on he rack by the door. I walk around until I see the mother holding her young son on her lap.
"Hello." I say, and take a seat in front of her. I look at her son and he is fast asleep.
"Hi." She says back. Her light brown eyes are alert and searching every corner twice when I walk in.
"I'm Marina." I say extending my right hand. She does nothing, I pull it back. "Where did you come from?" I ask her.
"You know Peggy's cove?" She asks, partly answering my question.
"Yeah." I nod my head. I was there once when I was younger, I don't exactly remember it, I just remember my mom holding my by the good of my sweater.
"I'm from there, we're from there. It's a hell hole now, nothing left." She says looking away.
"What happened?" I ask her, now curious as to what happened to that beautiful place.
"Blown up, destroyed. No one left, all the houses gone, everyone gone." She looks like she is in shock by reliving the memory. Peggy's cove is a good two hours from, driving I mean.
"Who did it?" I ask.
"They call themselves Hollis Revivers. They claim to be helping, to help bring up a new world, a new world with no faults, no flaws, they need to get rid of imperfections, like people who are sick, people with hereditary problems, how they figure it out, I have no clue." She says looking back at me. When people are scared they are the easiest to read, she has every single kind of fear in her eyes.
"Marina." I hear a deep voice say from behind me. I turn and see Hakan, the person who runs this place. "Come." He says while motioning with his hand. I follow him out of the room and he shuts the door.
"What were you thinking?" He snaps, hissing his voice at me with a whisper.
"Thinking?" I question his question.
"Bring them in. We are running out of space!" She cleared up. The last people to enter were Ty, Dahmani, Cassidy, Amari, Keir and I, and that was months ago.
"What was I supposed to do?" I say, half looking for an answer and half trying to make him second guess himself.
"Let them go, let them be, let them go to wherever they were going."
"They weren't going anywhere!" I retaliate.
"You are going to be showing them everything and teaching them everything. You show them what needs to be done and how things are done." He commands, but it's almost his way of making a compromise. Hakan is a strict man, bound by rules and laws, I would force them out, I wouldn't let him force them out. I walk back into the room and see the son awake and the both staring at me.
"You can come with me. I'll show you wher you'll be staying." I say, they stand up and walk towards me. I bring them to the small room that Keir and I share. They lay down on the couch and within minutes they are both asleep. Keir walks in and sees them laying there. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the hall.
"Who are they?" He asks. Ah, I don't know what to say, they didn't tell me their names.
"I actually don't know. But they're from Peggy's Cove, or what use to be Peggy's cove." I reply.
"Alrighty then." He says, putting his hand on his face. "I'm going to go sleep and hope things turn out fine tomorrow." He walk into the room and flicks off the lights, I hate it when he does that, I know he doesn't mean anything by it but he wants to say something and doesn't. I follow.

My watch buzzes and I quickly turn it off. I push Keirs shoulder and wake him up. I flip the lights on and see the couch put back and no sign of the woman and son. I shoot up and quickly do a look around and they aren't anywhere. I come back in and see a bit placed in the middle of the couch. I read it: Thank you for your help, I don't mean to trouble you, or at least I didn't want to get you in trouble. I think it's best that we leave and be on our way. We will find a place to stay and I hope we meet again. Good luck to you and everyone else. From Casimir and Lincoln. So that's what their names were. I run outside and slip on a small patch of ice and land on my left leg funny again, I quickly get back up and run to the gates, there are footprints in the snow but no sign of them.

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