Chapter XII

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Days passed like I was on vacation. I have no more looming shadows hanging over me or any terrifying words playing out in my mind. My life has been empty from Grim ever since he appeared in my room that one day when I called upon him. I remember thinking about how he said he would not be around for a few days afterward, and I was not going to take those days for granted. I had a wonderful time hanging out with Ruby at the mall and other places. I didn't have a fake smile on my face for once.

I'm a little hesitant about tonight though, because well...tonight is Halloween.

Ruby slaved over my makeup, making my eyes look ten times bigger with wide eyeliner placed on the corners of my eyes, giving me a sort of illusion. I looked pretty good, especially as Ruby straightened my hair perfectly and placed the crown on my head. My lips were painted a deep red, and my hands were covered in silky sleeves. Needless to say, I fell in love with my costume the moment it all came together. Ruby practically died when she saw what I looked like. I looked like I could live in Egypt. The only thing that sort of screwed off the image was my pale skin, but my black eyes looked amazing. I looked soulless. Almost like a specific creature I know of.

Ruby and I took some photos when she pulled on her red hood, her being Little Red Riding hood. She fit the part perfectly, especially as she yanked out an ax from her bag. It was plastic but looked so real I actually jumped away from it.

"Wow," Caleb said as soon as I open the front door. My lips lifted in the corners, smiling at him. Caleb's blond hair was covered by long black dreads, some beads hanging down around his face. His pirate outfit looked awesome, his muscled body squeezed into a tight brown trench coat with a large plastic sword hanging on his hip.

Ruby shook her head when she saw him and pulled him inside. Ruby always went all out on Halloween, so when Caleb turned around with black makeup around his eyes, I wasn't so surprised. In fact, I was almost entranced. I didn't realize I had a thing with guys having black eye makeup on, but it looked perfect. His blue eyes gleamed against the darkness around his eyes.

Ravenna came downstairs after a while, a tail connected to her butt. I had no idea what she was until she welcomed her friends in and they squealed. I think Ruby, Caleb and I actually gagged. Standing before were Santa's infamous reindeer, all of them with collars on their neck in bold, cursive letters saying who was who. Ravenna was Dancer. I remember Ruby leaning over to me and saying her name wasn't exactly a coincidence. I burst out laughing as I realized what she meant. She meant Ravenna was a dancer, as in a stripper.

Ravenna and her annoying friends sat on the floor, picking through candy, as Ruby scrolled through movies. We eventually landed on the Saw movies, pretty much one of my most hated horror movies. Needless to say, I hid in Caleb and Ruby for the most part. As Saw was playing, kids walked up to our front door, and Ravenna passed out the candy for the first part of the evening. When it got later and Ravenna was tired of complimenting children's outfits, I took up the job. I was grateful to get away from the horror movie, even if it was for a second as I handed out some chocolate bars.

I saw many costumes, some being superheroes, some being cute little ghosts. When eight o'clock rolled around, I flicked off the porch light and took the remainder of the candy over to Ruby and Caleb. We all snacked on the candy as Ravenna made out with a girl. It was rather disgusting; seeing my sister get physical with someone, especially dressed up as a reindeer that usually pulled a sleigh full of presents.

We were on Saw 2 when the doorbell rang. It was ten o'clock, and we were all burrowed underneath the covers. Caleb had wrapped his arm around me and seemed to almost be asleep with the black makeup around his eye. Apparently, our costumes were not going to go to waste because even though I didn't particularly feel up to it, there is a party tomorrow. It's not at Turners though, but rather at a calm girls house. Ruby wants to go, so I have to go to watch over her. It's only reasonable since I am her best friend.

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