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Longest chapter yet! It's just over 1600 words! Don't forget to vote guys, it helps me out tons

I can now check off dying, being raised from the dead, and world jumping from my bucket list.


Who the frick puts those things on their bucket list?

"So what's our next move?" Aspen asks. "Surely Quinn's not stuck here forever."

"I'm not certain, but I know a man who might be able to answer some questions," Cullen responds. "Though we aren't really on the best of terms, not since the accident..." He sighs. "It's worth a try, there's not much else we can go on."

"Well, as long as it gets me home sooner," I say.

"When do we leave?" Aspen asks.

"Now's better than later, Gahm isn't the safest place at dusk, and it's early enough now that we'll get to the next town with time to spare. Just let me gather my things."

Cullen walked towards the cluttered mess of a cupboard and searched through, pulling out different items as he went.

"What did he mean by 'it isn't safe at night?' " I ask Aspen.

"Well, dusk is when many of the Creatures stir, and they are they aren't... the friendliest. But they shouldn't bother us during the day," she reassured me.

"Not bears, I assume?"

"No, they're called Cryptids. Creatures with a sickening lust for blood." She cracked a smile. "But we'll be fine, one of the worst ones was killed by Javvar. That's what the whole parade was about."

"That's great," I laugh weakly, this is going to be fun.

"Ok girls, I'm ready to go. Let's try and make this as quick a trip as possible." Cullen says, walking towards Aspen and me.

As we walked through the woods, Cullen taking the lead. As we ventured on and off the path, my anxiety spiked. For some reason, the small thin line that cut through the woods seemed like a safe haven, as if nothing could cross that lane. I laugh at the thought.

I'm gonna die.

"There's no other way to get there, is there?" I ask hopefully, a piece of me wishing we could just teleport out of this death trap.

"If we took the other way we would arrive in three days," Cullen responds, looking back at us. "And I assume you want to get home as soon as possible?" he turns back to the trail, picking up the pace.

I walk close to him, not wanting to get lost. The trees around us stood like silent sentries, the canopy so thick it blocked out any ray of light trying to get through the guard's blockade. The forest was old and antiqued. Many of the old statues had started to rot, and the ground seemed to mold slightly to my feet as we walked. As we got deeper into the woods, the light seemed to vanish, the shadows starting to engulf our surroundings.

Now, more than ever, I wished for a flashlight. A warm feeling swept over my hands, a tingling effect flooding through my arms. I looked down. There were vein-like cracks covering my palms and fingers, emanating a warm glow.

And of course, I screamed because that is not frickin normal.

"Holy crap I'm glowing! Why the frick am I glowing?!" Cullen and Aspen stop and look at me, shocked.

"Did you eat any berries off the trail?" Cullen asks me, like a father scolding his five-year-old.

"No! I'm not stupid!"

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