A/N and a sneak peek

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Hey, so since the holidays are coming up I am super busy, plus I am super late on a lot of school work and probably won't have any updates until new years. I have over 15 chapters already written, but a lot are under editing and reconstruction including the next chapter. In all honesty, I am doing this for you guys!! Sorry!!! I really want to write on here but apparently "school comes first". 

Anyway, to keep you dudes wanting more, imma give you a snippet from a few chapters in (btw it's in Cullens POV and there are new characters that you haven't met yet!) :

"Good everyone's here let's go, Quinn, I found you a horse to ride. It will be tethered to mine for now. I assume you haven't ridden before?" I asked gesturing towards a smaller brown horse. She shakes her head no staring at the 'large' animal as if it might kill her, I smirk.

" His name is Dart he's a training horse so you'll be just fine on him"

" So I'm stuck with a pony?"

" Shhh, you'll hurt his feelings," Oriel says covering the horse's ears "She didn't mean it" he whispers to the horse, a few snickers were heard from the group. I laugh helping her up onto the horse.

"You hold these, they're called reigns. Tug on the right he'll go right tug on the left he'll go left pull back a little he should stop, give him a firm kick to the side and he'll go forward give him another kick and a cluck to make him trot, but most of that you don't need to worry about because he's connected to my horse" I explain, Quinn nodded slowly

"And I won't fall off and die?" She clutched the reigns as if her life depended on it.

"As long as your feet are in the stirrups you are fine"

"Seems simple enough," She says uneasily

"That's what you said about sword fighting" Oriel laughed.

"You had a sword fight?" I question eyeing them both. "Please next time you put a

weapon in her hand, think before you do so" I pat Oriel on the shoulder and mount my horse. 

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