Did I Stutter?

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When everything cooled down, the janitor, Carl came into the room. "Brian, how you doing?" Carl spoke.

John looked at him. "Your dad work's here?". Brian looked down, embarrassed. "Uh, Carl?" John began. "What?".

"Can I ask you a question?". "Sure". "How does one become a janitor?" John asked. "You wanna be a janitor?" Carl spoke.

"No, I just wanna know how one becomes a janitor because Andrew here, is very interested in persuading a career in the custodial arts" John replied. Andrew shot him a glare. John grinned.

"Oh, really? You guys think I'm just some untouchable peasant? Peon? Huh? Maybe, so, but following a broom around after shitheads like you for the past eight years I've learned a couple of things... I look through your letters, I look through your lockers... I listen to your conversations, you don't know that but I do... I am the eyes and ears of this institution my friends" Carl paused. "By the way, that clock's twenty minutes fast!" He said before leaving.

Everyone groaned. John grinned. "Shit" Andrew laughed slightly.


The students were bored again. John started to whistle a marching tune. It took a second before everyone joined in. Once Vernon came in they all stopped, except for John, who kept going for a little longer until he stopped.

"Alright girls, that's thirty minutes in lunch" Vernon spoke. "Here?" Evelyn asked."Here" Vernon repeated.

"Well, I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir" Andrew joined in.

"Well, I don't care what you think, Andrew" Vernon replied. "Uh, Dick? Excuse me, Rich. Will milk be made available to us?" John asked.

"We're extremely thirsty, sir" Evelyn spoke."I have really low tolerance for dehydration" Claire said.

"I've seen her dehydrated, sir. It's pretty gross" Andrew pointed out.

"Relax. I'll get it." John was about to stand up when Vernon spoke, "Ah-ah-ah. Grab some wood there, bub".

John grinned as Vernon kept on speaking, "What do you think, I was born yesterday? You think I'm gonna have you roaming these halls?" Vernon finished, and then pointed at Andrew. "You!"

Andrew sighed. "You!" Vernon pointed at Evelyn. As soon as he picked Evelyn, Andrew's face brightened.

"And you! Hey" He lastly turned to Allison, who had her eyes closed. Vernon snapped his fingers. "What's her name? Wake her up! Hey, come on! On your feet missy. Let's go! This is no rest home" Vernon snapped.

"There's a soft drink machine in the teacher's lounge. Let's go" Vernon uttered. He turned to Evelyn. "No monkey business, alright?" Vernon growled. "Can't make any promises, Richard" She spoke slyly before walking out the door.


The three students were walking down the hallway. "You like being bad don't you?" Andrew was the first to speak, looking at Evelyn.

"It's a gift" She replied. Andrew smirked. He then looked up and down at her. "You look good with my jacket" He spoke. "I know" Evelyn responded.

Evelyn turned to face Allison. "So, what's your poison?" She asked. Allison didn't answer.

"What do you drink?" Andrew tried helping. Allison still didn't answer. "Okay... forget we asked.." Evelyn spoke.

They kept on walking. Allison spoke. "Vodka". Andrew looked at her. "What?". "Vodka" She repeated.

"Vodka? When do you drink Vodka?" Evelyn asked. "Whenever" Allison spoke, walking away. Andrew and Evelyn followed behind her.

"A lot?" Andrew asked. "Tons" Allison smiled. "Is that why your here today?" Evelyn questioned. Allison didn't reply.

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