Chapter 12

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I stared at my reflection at the mirror. I looked pretty and it's been a long time since I dressed up . The dress fitted me perfectly as if it's made for me . It must be a grand party if North's company organizing it , so I tried my best to look decent with minimal makeup . North asked me to let my hair down so I didn't have to style it . I don't want to make North embarrass in front of other businesses men when he took me as his date even though the media isn't allowed. He bought me everything after all . I wanted me pay some gratitude to him for the all the things he did for me .

Ever since I settled in Boston far away from my home no one pay much attention to my welfare except Lyra .

It's a different feeling having someone to look after you aside from your family.

Even if this thing didn't workout between us I have to payback all the things he did to me .

I heard the knock on my door knew it's North . He is right on time not a second late . It's exactly 7 p.m.

" Let's do this " I whispered to my self taking a huge breath calming myself knowing I have to gather my all the strength to spend tonight . I have to endure the all the stares and whispers .

I can't chicken out now cause North is here already . He won't let me back down now.

I took my purse on the way and opened the door with positive smile .

"Are you ready ?" He asked me without taking his eyes on me . I stood in front of him flushed with his hard stare .

He is making me more nervous than I was earlier .

Don't I look good for his standards ?

"Is every thing alright ? Is there's something wrong with the way I dressed ?" I couldn't help but ask that cause his stare is making me uncomfortable and he wasn't saying anything except staring at me . I don't he blink either.

"You are fucking gorgeous . wow . Just like I imagined it suits you well . Fuck , you are glowing" He rasped in a husky voice . Hearing his confession I felt my cheeks burning cause this is the first time someone told me that .

"Fuck I can't choose what to do ? I want to keep you away from other fuckers eyes and I want show off taking you with me . Fucking shit . I should have bought you a hidoes dress" I knew I won't able to be more reddened after hearing his possessive words .

I shifted from foot to foot not knowing what to do .

"Forget the shit . Let's go , it's too late to back down . You are already dressed and we don't want to let it waste " He winked securing my right hand tightly with his own big rough hands . I could feel the warmth running through my hand .

When we were inside the elevator I took my time to stare at North . He looked dashing in his suit . He was wearing a matching dark green bow to match my dress.

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