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↪ I keep hearing and seeing this everywhere like bijj where?! What part or them is ugly? When most of BTS members are candidate for most handsome man in the world, Kim Taehyung ranking number 1 world wide! And according to Chinese netizens Jeon Jungkook is the top 1 most sexiest male idol and last year was Park Jimin (search it in YouTube if you want proofs). And let's not forget that in 2017 alot of people entered the our BTS × ARMY world because they saw Mr. Worldwide Handsome, Kim Seokjin. And just to remind ya'll, According to Philippine Armys Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon was the crowds favourite during Wings Tour in Manila. And lastly, why dafuq say Min Yoongi is ugly if his skin is brighter than your future bitch?! Are you even perfect? And it's not like we can determine one person's beauty because of his/her physical appearance. Always remember that beauty comes from within. A pretty face doesn't last long, but a beautiful personality will be the one who will reflect your real beauty.


↪ Alot of people had been saying this. Though this wasn't really a topic to be triggered about because we all know that they aren't and most of the people saying they're gay are probably insecure, doesn't know the policies of being a Kpop idol, or either they are racist. So what if they wear make up? Are you that sure that those other male artist that you see in T.V.
doesn't wear one? So what if they dye their hair!? You aren't even familiar with their culture so why accuse them of being gay! So what if they are feminine or sweet? I know lots of people who act feminine and sweet and caring yet that doesn't make them less a man! A real man doesn't talk bad and accuse someone for being gay, because I believe that only those insecure bijj would bark at people who they feel intimidated at.


↪ Spring Day is a song about a longing friendship. If anyone hadn't told you yet, it's dedicated for the Seawall Tragedy that up till kow everyone who knows what happened in the past would feel goosebumps whenever hearing the song. That's not the only one. Their first album talks about youth's rights — about how everyone should enjoy studying not to be school's robots — how youths should be free to have their own dream and not have the society control them. Then there's I Need U and Run where they make us realize that in every happiness there would be loneliness and in every loneliness we can still find happiness despite of. . . Teaching us how youths face challenges in life as we grow up. Let's not forget about Two! Three! Their first song for their fans, through the lyrics everyone can see how much they know their fans and their struggles. After that there's WINGS and YNWA an album that talks about entering adolescents (I don't need to elaborate, you cam find out yourself) and lastly Love Yourself. The tittle of the Album may sound cliché but it's the most inspiring album wherein they are trying to tell the listeners that they should love themselves, accept who they are, speak what's in their hearts and be proud of what they are and where they came from. Now tell me, were their music still trash?


↪ Then wtf are subtitles for?! Basically, people who keeps saying that "you don't even understand them that and then" are those who are judgemental — ready to bark at anytime without being insensitive to those who didn't even do anything to them. Language was never a barrier when listening to music. Let's just make you remember that Despasito, I'm In love With a Coco, some of Shakira's, and Havana's original version isn't even English. And let's face it, you can't understand all English songs (p.s. JB's Love Yourself shouldn't be you and your lovers theme song — not a sweet song for couples at all)


↪ Yep, the most horrible FANDOM who do donations in the name of BTS. The fandom who do everything to make BTS strive. The fandom who makes everything impossible, the fandom who has unity and would never fail to surprise BTS with their fan projects. WE are the fandom who protects BTS from all the hates and bash being thrown to them. Let's face it people, we won't bark and we won't be called immature if none of the antis would start a war. Let's say we are not that perfect, fck it! Was there a perfect fandom? Anyone who bash their faves would easily get triggered. We are not clean as not all of us are matured, not all of us are dense — we are sensitive sometimes, but that doesn't mean that all of us are the same. We have different personalities and different dreams in life. Some are extra and likes doing memes, some are very smart who makes alot of theories, some doesn't know what to do in life so they join fan wars, some are simply fangirls who hides at the corner, some are so friendly, and some of us are still young who doesn't know what right and wrong is — what to believe and what to avoid. So can you really blame all the ARMY at every one of us who fire back at the hates we see?

I see alot of issues lately. These are one of the most tackled ones even before BTS became so famous. Like why would everyone watch them have a single mistake and then give them loads of bad and harsh comments? When will people see their efforts? Their hardworks and all of the good things they do?

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