Chapter 31

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Meg's POV


The Winchester's finally found me, after a year being tortured by Crowley and demons that I though I could trust. Castiel was also here, so this wasn't awkward at all. I had kissed him the last time that I saw him, that was a mistake. Samandriel, we had wiped his memories eight years ago, when we knew this was going to be a shit fest, the angels had stepped in four years ago to help with the apocalypse so I had to be avoiding them as much as I could. 

A few days ago, something that I though that wouldn't happen for thousands of years came to pass. The demons that had came every say to torture me had told me that they caught an angel and tricked the Winchester bro's in thinking he's dead.

Crowley has him in hell. Doing things he did to me, to my angel. The one thing that I've been living for. Peace with him, a normal life. Well as normal as it can get.

The demon blade that was currently residing in my abdomen was digging in. Any jerking movements could kill me. 

Sam and Dean barely take there eyes of me but with some arguing with them  they let me into the bathroom. The one reason they let me because they think I can't teleport, oops. I dug my hand into the largest gash over my stomach and pull of the demon blade that Azazel made for me a long time ago. Though this time I was giving it away .

I quickly flashed over to the cells in hell and soon made my way through them finding the one that held Sammy in less than thirty seconds to keep the Winchesters non suspecting. 

I opened the door and saw him. A new vessel but it didn't matter to me, he was always stunning. But this time when I saw him I winced, I couldn't get him out of here, even though I would give up my life so he could leave. 

He was covered in blood with needles sticking out of his head. He was lying on the ground having nothing to comfort him. I rushed over to him and held the blade in my hand, I picked up his hand and placed it in his palm.

"When it's time, I'll get you out of here. Just hold on." With that I rushed out of the cell no able to look at the face of my love in agony. I closed the door and flashed back to the bathroom, knowing that I was going to die soon, 

never did I imagine it was to get the Winchester's and there pet unicorn out alive.

Leaving Sammy. . . in my last moments when Crowley held my broken and bloody meat suit, it was the thing that broke me. Knowing that Sammy was in hell, I had said that I would get him out, but how would I do that when I was dead?

That was my last thought before I felt the cool melt sliding between my ribs, the electric shocks that shook my body before it dropped, and the last thing I remembered was staring into my own face in a land of darkness.


early 2018


I opened my eyes not remembering what happened. The sensation of being watched sent chills down my spine.

What the Hell?

I sat up noticing that I had perfectly clean clothes. And remembering that I had died, there wasn't any coming back from that. I sat up and looked around for the sensation that I was having, I looked over my shoulder and noticed that my hair was black again.

Oh thank you.

I hated the blonde. 

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